When you manage to justify something with people and desires you manage to divert the attention of a message towards the Vatican.
Observing the news of church burnings in Canada, I wonder if it is really done because of what happened or if it is an attack against extremely old economic groups.
It is very unlikely that the information was not passed on to the population about the crimes that took place.
The Vatican responds that it cannot ask forgiveness for something that it is not sure is its fault.
But what exactly is this.
In Chile groups of demonstrators controlled by unknown movements similarly burned churches.
The message that is being left.
The time when there were feudalists controlling mercantile chains, denying technology and progress are not necessary.
They send a message in the lifestyle of enslaving people by accepting their integrity is no guarantee that they will continue to use their power.
There are many groups at international level that justify their way of acting because they do not attack anyone but at the same time they use systems so that millions of people do not manage to develop among these the opus dei.
Also add the letters revealed by Wikileaks where it is revealed that the pope is involved in regulating important decisions between different economic groups at the international level.
I value every comment and appreciate that you have made it this far.
The Pope is a false prophet. As for the Vatican, it has billions of wealth and yet people of the Catholic faith go hungry. The Pope is greedy, as were his false prophet predecessors. As for the burning of churches, this can be attributed to Trudunce, your leader, the very one who let in an untold number of violent Muslims into Canada.