Giving is living

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Avatar for Bdellium
1 year ago

The right attitude to life is very important in living a worthy and impactful life. Knowing the basic things that can improve one's life and makes one grow at every stage of life is one of the right attitudes.

Like the popular saying "givers never lack" which is true, a giver will never lack even when it is at the dying minute. Givers are not the ones that give just to show off their wealth, givers are not the ones that give just to show their superiority, givers are those that give with genuine heart and accept nothing in return. Givers are those that understand the basics of giving, and the blessings embedded in giving, givers are those that give without adding conditions, givers don't see reasons to give they give because it comes from their heart and because they have a heart of giving.

There is a difference between having a giving heart and coming from our heart, it might come from our heart to give because we know we will receive something in return, it takes someone with a giving heart to give willingly without looking back. A man of God once said and I quote" when you stop giving, you start dying", if you find it difficult to give either to the less privileged or even to the privileged it would be difficult for such a person to attain wealth. Giving creates better chances for an individual and helps open doors of favor. A giver is never stranded because help will surely locate such a person.

Stinginess tags someone with a bad name and it destroys relationships while giving helps build relationships and create strong bonds. Giving helps create a platform even for generations unborn because the good deeds of a father can pave way for his great-grandchildren even yet unborn, giving is an investment for future purposes it is saving for the rainy day. Never stop giving because it is a password to long life, givers enjoy the divine blessings of God, and givers are God's angels, and giving beautifies the life of the giver. Giving helps people grow and brings vitality into their lives.

Thanks for your reading and I will be expecting your comments in my box.

$ 0.51
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Avatar for Bdellium
1 year ago


I am glad to see that there are still people who are very kind hearted who are willing to give even if they also need some help.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Giving is life

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1 year ago