A fight against depression

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Avatar for Bdellium
1 year ago

I define depression as the act of feeling lost in your world, it is a state that affects the mind and shatters the strong heart. It weakens the body and makes one feel dejected, depression leads to many unforeseen circumstances, and if not fighting against such individuals going through depression can do the unexpected.

There are lots of challenges that will surface in human life, and how strong your mind is prepared to tackle these challenges will determine victory. No one is an island of knowledge and when things aren't going the way we want, it makes us feel incomplete as humans. Seeing your mates succeed in the outside world can make one think less of himself or herself and that's how the inferiority complex sets gradually such individuals started developing low self-esteem and this is the beginning of fallen glory.

Thinking less of yourself makes it difficult to achieve greatness in life, and giving up when you haven't given it a trial makes it difficult to climb the ladder of success. Failure is inevitable in human life and at this difficult time, many people think they have lost it all and probably that is the end. Without trying again they start to think and run to alcohol for solace and in the end become a drunkard eventually if God turns the situation around such a person will not fit into that position anymore because all qualities would have been lost. Depression can lead to suicide, taking off one's life by himself or herself. Many people have taken their lives because they believe they can't make it anymore after the first attempt.


Putting a fight against depression is an individual race because no one might be there with you or for you when you are going through this tough time this is the reason why you have to fight it on your own. Doing what makes you happy and what makes you see yourself as a better version of who you are now is one of the ways to overcome depression. And also associating yourself with positive-minded people can make you overcome depression quickly, positive thinking will help you grow your mind and prepare your body even when things are going otherwise that is why good company is very important in living a fulfilled life.

Many people committed suicide today as a result of not having people around them to talk to, some people need just someone to talk to and once they pour out their minds they will be okay, let's try to give people listening ears when they request our attention. We all put on smiling faces no one knows what the other person is going through but once our time is requested please let's create a little time to hear them out and that little time might save someone's life. Always keep a happy countenance no matter what you are going through.

I hope you enjoy reading, I will be expecting your comments in my box.

$ 0.89
$ 0.88 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Bdellium
1 year ago


I don't know the correct defination of depression but one thing I know Depression can snatch away the will to live and breathe. We can't fight against depression all alone, we need someone with positive and affectionate soul with whom a depressed soul can share all the things they are going through. We have to be strong together and help each other to conquer this evil thing.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Very fast and that's why it must be avoided

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Everytime I felt depress I did my best to fight it my friend because no one can help ourselves but only us. Depression is not easy that's why we should fight it. We must be strong.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's an individual thing

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Being in the midst of people that are of positive vibes can be an antidote to depression. I see depression as something that take course if you're alone But when you're with people of positive minded people, it won't take it course

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Exactly bro

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Depression is a serious mental health condition where an individual needs some attention, care and guidance. It is very difficult to fight depression by oneself only.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are right

$ 0.00
1 year ago