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Avatar for Balina
Written by
3 years ago

As a human living on Earth, I have hopes strengthen by theories that aliens exist. The gigantic, perfectly shaped pyramids of Egypt, Moai statues in Rapa Nui, and cave paintings of what seems like an alien and its spaceship; these are only some of the hundreds of pieces of evidence.

However, in Avatar, written and directed by James Cameron humans have become the aliens. Avatar is a Sci-Fi film that visions the possibilities of our future. In 2154, the Earth no longer seem to have any indication of green life. Indeed, a highly technologically advanced world with no regard for nature has dominated.

After almost six years Jake awakens from cryosleep journeying to the moon Pandora. Unlike Earth, Pandora has plants and animals. Sadly, humans invaded the moon with a dark goal. Back to reality, we hope that aliens are true yet we fear their intentions. Unknowingly, we now know what the Na'vi feels; threat and resistance to tyranny.

Resources Development Administration (RDA) and Colonel Miles Quaritch have only one purpose, to extract unobtanium which lies beneath the home tree of the Omaticaya clan. Unobtanium is a mineral that sells for $20 million per kilo, a room-temperature superconductor for energy.

At first, Jake had a rough turned amazing connection to the Omaticaya clan. Neytiri did very well in filling Jake's cup of tea. Jake learned to "see" and falls in love with Neytiri. But it cannot be denied that Jake is a spy and a liar. He made a deal with Colonel Quaritch. He infiltrated the Na'vi and gave exact details on how to destroy the home tree. RDA and colonel Quaritch proceeded with its mission. The home tree was torn down, a lot of Na'vi died, Eytukan the clan leader and father of Neytiri have also deceased. After the damage done by the antagonist, they plan on bombing the 'tree of souls' which is said to be the closest connection to Eywa. The Omaticaya clan is spiritual and sentimental thus they will protect and fight for Eywa.

Jake becoming Toruk Makto spearheaded the war against its race. The Na'vi won with the help of Eywa. But there were a lot of casualties including Grace.

Avatar not only has hyper-realistic stunning visuals for it is also a great work of art. Everything in the movie is detailed. The Na'vi language was created by a linguist and the actors and actresses painstakingly practice and learned it. The music was performed by a famous and elite orchestra. It is the very first movie that has adapted 3D CGI. It once became the highest-grossing movie of all time.

Best of all an unbelievable amount of effort, passion, talent, ideas, and perseverance of all the staff and artists played an amazing role in the success and history of the AVATAR.

$ 0.00
Avatar for Balina
Written by
3 years ago


I also love this movie. I hear there's sequel... I'm looking forward to it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There is! There's still no official date. It might delay again especially this time where the world is facing a pandemic😞

$ 0.00
3 years ago

yeah.. but i will definitely watch that

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3 years ago

Count me in🙋‍♀️

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3 years ago