What will they say?

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We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.


Which cloth will they appreciate today?.

Will the pink one work the charm or is the red one more suitable?

I should probably go with the blue one or is the purple cloth much more better?

Should my hair be combed backward or be kept in a ponytail?

Would it be better if I had lip gloss on or a red lipstick or maybe I shouldn't apply anything?

Should I walk like this or like that?

How would they appreciate my tone of voice toward them?

Maybe I should work on a change of voice?.

Where would they want me to pass today?

Should I walk left or right or just be at the middle?

I need to do all these to perfection because of what they would say.

The work I got is that of a receptionist,I can't do it even when I know I have no other alternative.

Do you know what they'll say if they found me in such place?

No, it better I sit home and continue searching.

But what if they insult me for not taking the job?

Omg!!! What would they want me to do!


I'm definitely putting on the blue gown today.

I'd better leave my hair in ponytail, I'm tired to change the style.

I should go by bus today as it would be faster..

Surely I'll be putting some mascara and lip gloss to match.

I'll definitely walk by the right side as it much safer.

Starting the new job as a waiter even with my qualifications is so alarming.

But it's better I start from somewhere instead of waiting for a miracle to arrive.

I need to work with what I have to get what I need.

After all no one would feed me if I go hungry.

I won't let that pull my spirit down, I'll be having a great day ,that I know.


The comparison between the two dialogue above can be well noted.

The first one speaks on someone who wants to do things in order to please people , what will they say if I were to put on a pink dress,they won't like it!

What will they say have led many to their early grave.

Many opportunities have passed by because you don't want to engage in menial jobs because of how people may view you.

Dreams have been lost with no hope of rising again.

They said I wear this same cloth a lot, I'd better use my savings to be used to start up a business to get some clothes so they'll stop complaining.

They even commented on my shoes today, that should also be changed.

Surely, if I listen to them and do what they said of me they'll stop complaining and start liking me more right?


The second part speaks on the other person who do things without looking for people's validation.

This person is sure of him or herself,they motivate themselves even in their trying times.

They know what they want and how to aim at it.

They don't care what people would say and do things as long as it pleases them and do not hurt others.


We have this set of people in our world today and some of us fall in the first group,doing things to please people.

These people have forgotten that humans are insatiable and can never be pleased.

People will always talk no matter what you do, they'll always be comments and it can't all come out positive.

It is said that when you do things and all you hear is praise all the time then you need to check yourself.

We all complain to God when things don't go our way.

Shouldn't that show that when even God cannot please humans, who are you then?

Whatever you do,do it well, seeking people's validation always will make one fall.

Don't give up on your dreams because of what people might say.

Don't displease yourself to have them pleased because at the end...

People will always talk.

So live a pleasing life as far as it doesn't hurt others and do your best and leave the rest.


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Thanks for the usual tips, comments and love.

Thanks for reading and stay safe.

Photo source:Unsplash

Writer: Balikis

Date:24 May 2022

$ 0.26
$ 0.11 from @Big-E
$ 0.05 from @Olasquare
$ 0.04 from @Princessbusayo
+ 3
Sponsors of Balikis


Most people live for others that they have stopped living for themselves. They have become miserable, a shadow of themselves and most have died while at it. The certain way to failure is to try and please humans...humans that can be unpredictable and they have new standards every day. Just be you. Learn. Improve...but do what makes you happy as long as you are not hurting anyone in the process.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You just hit the bullet right in the head Mr square,one shouldn't learn and improve because humans are unpredictable and insatiable. Four doughnuts for you😅😅

$ 0.00
1 year ago

What will they say have led many to their early grave.

We should learn to value ourselves more than waiting for people to validate us. We are special and worth it, so no one should stop us in doing things on our own. Don't live your life to please people because you can never satisfy them.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Well said Princess, humans are insatiable. Thanks for stopping by.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I use to be part of those who lived to please people and it was crazy because you can't please people.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's true friend, you can't please everyone, it is never possible. It is better you live life to please yourself and I love the fact that you said, you used to, now it, not anymore.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

People always have something to say, even if you do everything right, they will have something to say about us, that's why we should know what we need and what to do.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes, they will, a Nigerian musician once said," if nobody talks about you, then you are nobody." That's to tell us people will always talk, one just has to please oneself so when they talk, you won't get affected because what you did already pleased you.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

How I have always wanted to be in the second group. The second group are very strong people, and they believe in themselves, but the people in the first group are weak, because they only care about what people say and think about them, they can never have a good life and be pleased.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes they can never have a good life because of countless thoughts on what people want from them

$ 0.00
1 year ago