Can you bribe death?

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2 years ago

When there's life surely there's hope.

Though the hope won't be forever as we will all one day leave the earth.

Celebrate life in the right path so you won't have to go through pain twice.

The angel of death is a darkness that when it presence devours or envelopes us, we will be left all alone with our body in the cold floor of termites, ants and other earthly insect.

In a snap all we have will be lost, not even our dearly beloved mother,sister, daughter, father or son would be with us in the strange land.

No matter how we run, the man with the hook will always catch up with us when it time.

You might be rich today and be in the grave tomorrow.

Your character towards people and your actions in life will be the only thing to speak for you when you can't be heard.

Be humble because even your shadow can't be bribed.

Your shadow will leave you in your darkest hours and no matter how hard you try in that darkness, you won't get to see it unless you get to the light.

Safe your soul today and walk towards the light, not the artificial one but the natural light that'll never get dim.

The man with the hook knows your location as so as mine.

You can't bribe death,you only have one choice though,safe your soul from the darkness of the earth so that when death comes, it'll meet you well.

Death can't be cheated on, you got saved from a near death experience doesn't mean you'll be saved forever.

Life just awarded you an opportunity, use it well because no one knows tommorow.


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Things weren't what they used to be before, in the long eras, people had lived for many years before death claims them.

The percentage of those who are more than 100 years old is just a small dot.

The sin of the world has increased a thousand fold,making the Angel of death lurk around, looking for whose turn it is to be hunted down.

We have all lost good people to the claws of the deadly man and we've cried deeply because deep down we know one day it'd be ours.

Life isn't fair and isn't meant to be fair.

Life unfairness shouldn't give you the need to be rude or showcase your insolent or nonchalanted attitude to others. Mocking them of their post in life shouldn't be your drive.. humbleness towards whoever you come across in life goes a long way than you'd ever imagine.

Your status in life will be overlooked when death swoosh into your life, announcing it unfortunate presence.

You'd seek for help and no one will be able to save you.

Families and lovers will cry and clean off their tears in no time and your body will be left at the mercy of the mortuary attendants.

Your spirit will leave and finds it way to account for all your deeds.

There's no speciality up there as everyone will account for their deeds and face either the excruciating sound of the music or the jolly sounds.

No amount of golds you've accumulated will save you from the horrid sounds that comes your way.

No bribe, no corruption!

You'd be served the dish you've been desperately cooking all this while the way it is with nothing included or excluded.

If your money cannot bribe death, sit down and re think your steps. Before you tell someone you are not in my class, ask the mortuary attendants if he has a special space for the ruling class. Respect humanity and stay humble.

Many have lost their heart of humanity!.

You speak to people like you created them.

Clean your dirty legs on their only fine attire.

Spit on them and left your mucus dangling on their face like a bell ready to be rung!.

Change is constant, so why are you still in that same line with people under your feet as you stroll around.

Remember, you won't stroll around for long because the next sound of the bell may be a signal to your soul to leave your body to the outer space.

Who are you going to bribe then to get your dirty job done or take blame for your reckless act?.

Why have you subject your mind to the evil track, resisting to meet up with the little star that shines a step away from you?

How many golds, coins or accumulated funds can quench the bloody thirst of man with hooks?

Countless times you have been opportuned to live life right but still you chose not to...why must you let the evil of mankind drive you away from the presence of the Holy spirit?

You can travel the whole world and have all their moneys but still death won't be freaked by them.

The man with hooks doesn't understand the language of the earth because if it does, he won't have taken away our loved ones and left us in shambles of great pain.

Death can't be bribed!

Changing your ways to the right track though would give you a better tomorrow to embrace.

Be humble and don't mistake death for politicians .

I think I got a bit carried away while writing, I hope though you get a better change of heart after reading this piece.

Thanks for your usual support, tips, comments and love.

I appreciate you all, including my viewers and readers.

To my sponsors, I appreciate your underlying love towards me, your presence in my life is well noticed. Thanks.

Thanks for reading and stay safe.

Photo source: Unsplash.

Writer: Balikis

Date:14 March 2022.

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Avatar for Balikis
2 years ago


We need to always think of the day we will die, and amend our ways toward God and humanity. We need to treat everyone who comes our ways with respect, no matter their classes. We must have it in mind that same Mr death will kill us all, both the rich and the poor.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, we should always think of the day we will die and live a good life because we can't cheat death neither can it be bribed.. thanks for your comment

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We have been raised with a culture of fear and dread of death. But we are all heading towards it... interesting your thoughts on the subject

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some people aren't because they believe they can't die again because of how wealthy they are.. if we were heading towards it, there wouldn't be corruption, killing ourselves to get what we want. I'm glad you found it interesting.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I've lost a lot of good people to death.. One thing I wanna add is that death doesn't care about your financial status...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Truly it doesn't, no matter how filthy rich you might have been, when it knocks, the door must be opened immediately.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed nothing and no one can bribe death..... Good piece here.🙌🙌

$ 0.01
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago