Dear Heart ❤

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Dear heart,

When I pick up my pen to write,

Please do not call out his name,

Or begin to ink down each stanza,

In the order of his name's syllables.

As for you my restless mind,

Do not remind me of memories best left behind,

Or open the long-locked safes,

Of havens I wish to have lost their keys.

And I say to you my tender flesh,

Do not cringe when another tries to touch us like it's sin,

Or fail to melt even under the fervent emotions heat,

Of the lunatic ecstasy of a body against us.

You said the past had been forgotten,

And every thought of him was rotten,

If that were true,

Tell me dear heart, mind and flesh,

Why then do you hold on to the memories

...of a man who is long gone?১


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Mind blowing writing

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3 years ago