How hard is it to correct mistakes.

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3 years ago

Allah has created us in such a way that we will make mistakes. Not making mistakes is not a human trait. So it is not surprising that we make repeated mistakes. However, we cannot take our own mistakes as easily as we can take the mistakes of others. A thousand mistakes of our own do not catch our eye, but one or two mistakes of others cannot escape our eyes. Again, when someone catches us wrong, we show arrogance.


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “Every child of Adam sins. The best of sinners are those who repent. "(Tirmidhi)


So whenever we commit a sin, we immediately repent to Allah. GOD loves those who repent.

Sin cannot be underestimated. Because if we think of sin as small, the path of big sin can be opened little by little. Satan works very subtly. He will not persuade us to commit major sins in the first place. He will not let us know when we will gradually get closer to the big sins by committing small sins. Therefore, we should try our best to avoid all kinds of sins, big and small.

Discussion on how our beloved Prophet used to correct mistakes: -

1. Be tactful

Not to mention the use of sharp intellect and skill to help people move forward, not just to read the Prophet's compassion and humility separately. He would solve people's problems by considering priorities. He knew when to be hard and when to be soft.

When a young man behaved arrogantly during the call to prayer, the Prophet turned the tide of his negative energy for the benefit of society. The event after the conquest of Mecca. Abu Majurah, a young man from Makkah, and his friends were mocking Bilal ibn Rabah during the call to prayer. The Prophet saw this and summoned him. The young man began to tremble with fear. Instead of rebuking the Prophet, he asked him if his voice was strong. The young man answered in the affirmative. The Prophet spent time with him reciting the words of the Azan. By then he had memorized the words of the Azan. The Prophet placed his hand on his chest and prayed for him. Abu Majurah asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) for permission to call to prayer, and Ibn Majah set out on his way as the new Muazzin of Makkah.

2. Show toughness if needed

Humility is beautiful but harshness can sometimes be effective. To provoke the tendency of the person to correct and purify. Nabiji knew when to be strong and when to show tenderness. When he saw the two Companions backbiting, the Prophet listened to their harsh words. He warned them that they had eaten their flesh, even to the point of brushing their teeth. They apologized to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Instead, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked them to apologize to those who had been slandered.

3. Give up on people's dignity

We need to be respectful and sensitive to the dignity of our people when it comes to correcting mistakes. There is no chance of ridiculing or belittling anyone. Nabiji used to criticize mistakes but he did not blame people for making mistakes. Once upon a time, people were cursing a person who was unable to quit drugs. The Prophet said,

‘Don’t curse him. I know that he loves Allah and His Messenger. ' Bukhari

4. Be humble

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) could understand the people around him, he could understand when someone was sensitive or in a bad condition. In most cases, he was humble enough to correct mistakes. At the time of the Prophet, the Bedouins were known as rude and somewhat uncivilized. One day, for the first time, a Bedouin entered the mosque and prayed loudly, O Allah! Forgive me and Muhammad and do not forgive anyone. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) looked at him, smiled and said humbly, “You are limiting things (the mercy of Allaah) that can be huge.

Then the man started pissing on the floor of the mosque to everyone's surprise. The Prophet calmed the bewildered eyewitnesses and told them to leave the man alone. He reminded the Companions that their job was to make everything easy for the people, not to make it difficult. The Bedouin later recalled what had happened to the Prophet.

5. Don't make mistakes

Nabiji often played his role as a social leader and teacher. In order to correct the mistake for the benefit of all the listeners, he used to speak keeping the identity of the person involved secretly. He would say, ‘What is the matter with the people, they are doing such a thing!’ In this way he would warn the people who have made common mistakes, as well as warn those who are cleverly involved in mistakes so that they may repent and purify their deeds. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade backbiting.

Nabiji used to accept the word of mouth of the people. They accepted the way they wanted to prove themselves, not secretly looking for their faults. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not look at people with a magnifying glass, but was opposed to monitoring their movements. We should refrain from finding fault with people and finding out their greater sins.

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$ 0.00
3 years ago

If life was only that easy. I wonder why people are not able to follow any of these rules but still call themselves good followers. 🤔

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3 years ago