Many have been lied to, deceived, hurt because they were not able to discern the good heart from the bad.
You will never figure out what is in my heart because you don't see it. It is hidden and who can understand it?
Before you accept anybody to be your friend, please pray to God to help you meet people whose heart is good.
Those friends of yours should be put into series of test unknowingly to them and watch them pass or lose.
Some will get it or pass it correctly but ask them questions about issues of life like money, relationships, marriage, sex, etc.
Don't embark on any relationship without finding out what their belief system is because the heart is desperately wicked.
If what they believe contradicts what you believe, there's no need to continue with them.
Don't enter into that relationship because you are compassionate because the heart is desperately wicked.
Can two work together without agreeing? So for relationship to work you guys belief should be the same if not at least 85%.
That he is handsome does not mean he is acceptable because of your purpose. That she is beautiful does not mean she is acceptable too.
Relationship should work along with your purpose. Don't accept anything that is not according to your purpose because the heart is desperately wicked.
I don't want you to be hurt so please do the necessary. I hope you got something from this post.
The wickedness of the heart has been there since ancient time and humans heart will always be wicked