Power Interruption Dilemma

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It's been 6 months now since we decided to stay in our province in Albay, Philippines. When Pandemic started I'm in the city working as a healthcare advocate. I assists Patient in America over the phone with regards to their concern in their supply for their CPAP machine (device used for patient with sleep apnea). My task is to contact their insurance in regards to getting their benefits and so forth. We were advise during Pandemic as precaution to stay at home and have our job as Work at home setup. So taking the chance, We decided to go home in our province and spend time with our family while waiting for this Pandemic to be over. We no longer worry about rent, travel expenses and long distance call with our family since we're now together.

Unfortunately, power interruption is one of our dilemma. Yes, schedules were set by the Organization responsible for supplying electricity but interruption happen almost every day. Sometimes it's a 6 hours interruption to eight to eleven hours during the day which is very inconvenient since it's summer. During the night there's also a four hour interruption that affects employee working from home like me who rely with internet and power supply for my computers. It's been a huge problem now because we might be forced to go back in the city and report to our office just because there are organization who failed to do their job giving you one of the necessity that you've been paying for aside from the taxes taken from your salary. Electricity now a days is one of our necessity, we pay bills just to make sure it won't be cut or interrupted and getting these inconvenience is totally unacceptable. We been hoping for a resolution and explanation but all we got is a more higher bill and bill disputes that's not being taken care of.

Social media became a platform for dispute and escalations since most of the people living in this province raised their concerns and rants on their social media account. Moreover, issues about power interruption don't only steers controversies but also arguments among community divided by their beliefs and principles. Some approve to the power interruption to secure a better service in the near future and some are totally against since they know that the service that they're paying for is not returned the way we expect it be. People are divided on this small province during this pandemic because of this issue.

In a time were people need be one praying for a better and safe world during this crisis, issues like this are the reason why conflicts arise among us. We need to be one to have a better result, but unfortunately we can never erase the fact that in the world we living like what they say "we're on the same ocean but we're not riding the same boat. Some boat are considered ship; strong full of supplies and will totally last on the ocean. Some are made of wood; still surviving with skills and hard work can survive but still unsure until when and how and some boat are made of papers; Never had the chance to survive even in the beginning of the ride." Let us all be considerate during this time. Power interruption is a minor issue but let us all put ourselves in every one shoe. You may not see this as a major problem but for some it does. Some rely to it as their source of income to survive. Let's all meet halfway and try to be more understanding during this time. I always pray for every ones safety and I'm still hoping for a better future without this pandemic and I know at the end of the day we all wish the same.

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