Black Hole

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Avatar for BaNANA18
3 years ago
Topics: Mental Health

If you're someone with anxiety or depression this might cause a trigger so can skip or have someone next to you read this with you.

Have you read the story entitled "My heart is in a black hole?" It's all about a teenage boy suffering from depression. He had an abusive dad and after his mom and dad got divorce his dad remarry and became the dad he wanted before, a loving and caring father to his family. One of the factor that contribute for his mental health to get worse. This boy no longer sleep in his bed instead he sleep inside his closet. He put so many positive post it across his room that should help him motivate himself to stay and live another day. He found himself at the top of the building looking down trying to jump several times. On that building he found the girl who became on of the special person in his life. She brought this girl to his favorite spot an abandoned lake with a depth no one knows about. It said that any one who tries to check the bottom of the lake never make it back to the surface. Some say they found a parallel universe and travel into it that's the reason why body was never recovered. The boy tried several times to check the bottom of the lake but reality snap him back at the very last minute and that's one of the reason why his still alive. Having a girlfriend aware about his mental health and a family by his side sounds like a good reason to leave. I thought it's already a happy ending. But before the story ended the boy still choose to end his life trying to find the bottom of the lake which he called a Black Hole. This story for me is not suitable for someone with depression, anxiety and any mental health. It may become trigger but for someone who wanted to understand mental health issues this is an eye opening story.

I always say that kids now a days used the word depression and anxiety to explain their sadness when it's a totally different case. For me being sad is the feeling of getting hurt where you end up crying your heart out. That pain in the heart that strikes like bullet and the feeling of not getting up in bed and just wanting to stay without food and trying to do all sort of things to forget the sadness. I have so many friends diagnose with depression and they're brave enough to open up with me in regards to their issue. What they say is like the saddest thing I ever heard. They say depression is the feeling of living not for yourself for the sake of living itself. No tears to express emotions some, have smile to cover the pain. People still eats what they want not really what the food taste like. Chew it like a task they need to complete in a day. Some party and enjoy the day with their friends and family, after the end of the day they directly stay in bed staring at the ceiling still thinking about dying. That soulless eyes and numb bodies, that empty stomach and blank mind is how they describe it. Living feels like an obligation for them, to make sure that every one around them won't be affected with their own issues. They tried so hard everyday doing the same routine without enough motivation to leave. And the word dying never go away from their minds.

Some people don't realize what depression is. Especially in the country where I live in this was never taken seriously. They call it being crazy or people just call it "drama'. Seeking assistance for some experts advice feels like a sin, You'll be called out different names if they knew your suffering from it. They say it's a going to be a shame to your family if you acknowledge the fact that you're experiencing depression yourself. Take it so lightly that the rate of teenage committing suicide sky rocketed ever year. People call it excused not accepting the fact that they're one of the factor that stir up the pain. They never educate themselves to better understand what mental issues are.

If you're someone who has a friend or family experiencing depression please know that they need you. Please be there to support and encourage them. Let your ear be their outlet of emotions and your hug as their source of strength. Help them vent out and encourage them to live for a better life. Help them run away from those nightmares and together build a dream full of happiness. Thank them for trying everyday and for staying alive.

If your one of the people I mentioned whose experiencing depression, please know that you are not alone and never your fault to be that way. It's never wrong and what you feel is totally valid. Please try to help yourself and seek assistance from experts if your not comfortable sharing it with your friends, Never feel ashamed of what you feel because you have all the right to feel that way. Please don't run away and I hope you have the courage to face what ever problem your having. And lastly, Thank you again for fighting to be with us today. I love you remember that.

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Avatar for BaNANA18
3 years ago
Topics: Mental Health
