The way I have learned to give dignity to labor

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4 years ago
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If you want to be successful in any job, you have to work hard, there is nothing new to say about this. But if hard work is considered hard and if one is just forced to work hard, then success is not guaranteed even after hard work. If you work hard, inspired by a deep desire, it becomes enjoyable. The more you work, the happier you will be. Hard work will become natural. Let's look at physical exercise as an example. For those who exercise regularly, exercise becomes a part of their daily life. They feel good after exercise, if not, they feel bad. Since I am not accustomed to regular exercise, it is difficult for me. The difference here is that I exercise occasionally on the advice of a doctor and the gymnasts do it out of habit.

When a catastrophe strikes suddenly in the life of a person, the conventional thinking does not find the possibility of liberation from the catastrophe, then new thinking arises. Today’s epidemic has forced us to look at many new perspectives. Before this epidemic, very few people understood the importance of the work of various service-related workers, transport workers, agricultural workers. When many countries in the Western world came under lockdown due to the epidemic, we realized how essential they were. When we are at home to protect our own health and the health of others, these brave workers were working at the risk of being exposed to a terrible virus. Many of them have died due to the virus. If they all lived within the boundaries of home security like us, the production and supply of essential food would have stopped, there would have been a shortage of medicines, and the supply of water and electricity would have been disrupted. We would face an unimaginable catastrophe and the consequences would be far more devastating than the deaths caused by the coronavirus. Generally many agree, we should respect any labor. But everyone has a bias towards the type of work. We give more importance to some work. These biases should be completely removed from the mind after experiencing this epidemic.

Apart from personal work, most of the work requires a concerted effort. The more important the work, the greater the need for the cooperation of others. The successful completion of a complex project requires a combination of contributions from people of different skills and backgrounds. He is in charge of coordinating the leadership of the project. Only those who are able to gain the trust and respect of colleagues can give good leadership. So you must have empathy for colleagues. No matter what their job is, it is important for the project. Because the project will not be completed without their participation. If someone thinks that their work is not being evaluated properly, then the risk of loss of quality of work will increase. My father's knowledge always fascinated me. From a young age, he used to give me the opportunity to gain various work experiences.

I went to England for summer vacation and worked as a waiter in an Indian restaurant so that I could earn enough money to improve my standard of living. The problem is that I had no experience in this work. Still, seeing my determination and self-confidence, one agreed to give me a chance. Given this opportunity, I did my best to be a good waiter. I saw myself as a waiter at work, not as a student. In a very short time I was able to become a good waiter for this attitude. As a result, I no longer had difficulty finding work during the summer holidays. Because of my skill and dedication, I worked as the highest paid waiter in a well-known restaurant during the summer holidays. Many may not value this experience. But this success was very important to me. Not only have my needs been met, but also I have learned a lot from this experience. I learned to work with colleagues whose educational and social positions were very different from mine. I realized the importance of their work, learned to respect them. Understood, I could not do my job without their cooperation. Again, if the kitchen chef had not cooked well, good food would not have been served. Above all, this experience has strengthened the dignity of any kind of labor in my mind.

Last of all it can say that, respect all kinds of labor. Learn to show your respect and admiration to everyone. You will see that you can perform any task with joy and enthusiasm. The path to success will be easier.

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I agree with you...

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Thanks a lot

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I totally agree with you. Thank you very much for sharing the article with us.

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Welcome sis.

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done apu....sub back plz

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Ok. Done,bro

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