Year 1 of the BCHF

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Written by
2 months ago

The seeds of the BCHF were planted more than a year ago but work did not begin in earnest until June 2023.


The purpose of the BCHF is to spread awareness of the Bitcoin Cash project and to ensure that relevant basic information and branding is correct across platforms. The BCHF also tasks themselves with filling all the tiny gaps in the BCH ecosystem that “someone” needs to do but as of yet does not have an owner. We are the sanitary engineers of P2P Electronic Cash.

So in the last 365 days since the BCHF became really active what have we done?


In the lead up to the May 15th Bitcoin Cash upgrade we manually (no mass spam email list) reached out to over 300 BCH using, accepting and adjacent projects, people, and organizations via their website contact forms, live help chat services, Telegram accounts, Twitter DMs and email to make sure they were informed and prepared for the upgrade. Not only did we contact these people and projects but while seeking out the correct contact information, we also looked at how BCH was represented in these projects and websites. There were various places where BCH was named incorrectly (BCHNABC etc), as well as shown with some very confusing non-standard logos among other “mistakes”.

When encountered we also informed them of what is more commonly used across the crypto sphere and if needed provided them with updated media to use.
Unfortunately we did not keep track of how many hours this endeavor took but a rough estimate would be in the hundreds and was by far the most labor intensive activity of the last year. The good news is that next year, assuming there is a node upgrade, it will most likely take less time as there will be much less time hunting down the correct contact information and it is now all in a spreadsheet.


The BCHF teamed up with General Protocols to create Discover.Cash, a website that we hope can act as a quick and easy to understand, frequently updated site for people to learn what is going in BCH.


While the BCHF was founded over a year ago activities did not really pick up until June of 2023 when we took over the BCH weekly news formerly organized by Satoshi’s Angels.

Since June 2023 we have posted 49 news reports in text and video across 16 platforms.

We also wrote 2 special reports for both Day 1 and Day 2 of the BCHBLISS conference in Slovenia. launched their “communities” feature earlier in 2023, where projects can post updates and interact with those interested in their coin. Since June 2023 the Bitcoin Cash page has ballooned to over 170k followers. News articles posted to the community page get featured on the coins detail page and have been picked up by various influencers.

One nice side effect of this is that people do not need to dig very deeply to get the most recent BCH news. The news is also often reflected in the Trading View page for BCH as well.

We will continue to post the weekly news regularly.


There has been an ongoing problem that even when BCH is featured in the news and other media it is often shown with the old orange with wings logo or some hand made monstrosity.

To help combat this we have sponsored the creation of various BCH logos and usable media as well as have started submitting logos to stock photo sites.


We commissioned Dwellers Art to make a series of BCH logo animations that are free to use by anyone. They will be up on the BCHF website soon but in the meantime they are all available on the BCHF discord here.



We created the NEW BCHF Discord. There is not much presence of BCH on Discord and what there is out there has murky ownership. We wanted there to be a place to better coordinate things and a place where anyone could come and ask questions and get help and find all the information they need. Where they could share resources and memes alike and even post jobs as well as advertise their skills. In an effort to keep it very low noise high signal, most of the categories other than general chat are read only except to known people who have been to some degree vetted. Network effect is hard to build but the foundation is there to help create a vibrant and active community. It is also good to have redundancy incase something goes awry on Telegram.


We paid Sayoshi Nakamario to do the web design for which is a site site that not only aims to be an archive of past flipstarters but also aims to aid in accountability by being a sort of report card as to what is publicly known about their delivery. Very much a work in progress but something we hope to work more on in the near future now that many of the other things we have been working on have been completed or are nearing completion.


We have made significant progress in the free ‘BCH accepted here’ sticker program. It is online and free stickers are available to anyone in the world here:

We have sent out 38 Stickers, free of charge, to 8 countries including:

India, Denmark, Netherlands, USA, Uruguay, New Zealand, Australia and Germany.

A special thanks to Satoshi’s Angels for donating the stickers.


Subscribers or Followers / Views as of June 2024 and Increases since the last report in December 2023

Youtube 211 (+115) /5692 (+3435)

Odysee 6 (+4) /40 (+19)

Twitter 1447 (+489) /13,600 (current stats unavailable)

CoinMarketCap 170,200 (+78,400) 46 (+17)

Publish0x 264 (+80) /126,347 (+84,966)

Medium 12 (+6)

Tiktok 13 (+3) / 292 (last 60 days)

Reddit 16 (Reddit admins banned the BCHF subreddit and account and have ignored all efforts to make contact)

Mastodon 13 (+5)

Discord 27 (+26)

Telegram 11 (+11)

Telegram BCHF NEWS 56 (+10)

BCHouse 28 (+9)

BlueSky 15 (+5)

BCHF Archive at 10 (Until yesterday the account was “locked”)

NEW Instagram +49

NEW Threads +7

NEW Spotify All Time Plays 2

NEW BitChute +1 /1155


The BCHF believes in transparency. All donations will be received with the following 4 BCH addresses.

Why 4?

The wallet is independent to this platform, however the other 3 all go to the same wallet. The only purpose of having 3 addresses is to gauge interest and success of efforts. Feel free to donate to whichever you prefer. They are posted here for the sake of accountability.

To date (June 22nd 2024) the balances are as follows in BCH and current USD value. Increases are since December 2023

General Donations:


General: 1.64517771 (+1.6450888) BCH $630.59 (+630.19)

Weekly News:


News: 4.50622685 (+0.52836228) BCH $1,727.23 (+650.82) +50 XVL Cash Tokens



Stickers: 0.35566688 (+0.355578) BCH $136.04 (+136.02) USD



Read: 0.67778517 (+0.38730834) BCH $259.25 (+180.55)


We also accept CashToken donations at the following address:


1 Unknown NFT

1 Unknown Token

5000000000 Unknown Tokens

4200 cLoWnFLEX

TOTAL: 7.18485661 BCH (+2.91633742) $2,753.11 USD (+$1,597.58)

Publish0x pays in various crypto. At the time the accrued value is significant we will convert them to BCH and add them to the NEWS address.

Current total USD value: $49.28 (+$1.06?) Note there was some change at Publish0x and this number seems to not reflect the proper tip amount. But seeing as it is in the 10s of dollars we are not going to spend too much time tracking down the problem.


Most organizations have no protocol for dealing with a decentralized entity.

As a decentralized project, Bitcoin Cash has no singular voice or point of contact nor will it ever. Every individual is welcome to act in their own way to push BCH forward. It is however sometimes useful to have a united voice to increase amplification. Similar to the CHIP process, individuals and organizations that feel the BCHF is doing a good job promoting Bitcoin Cash and providing accurate information can add their own weight behind the BCHF by publicly showing support.

This is a voluntary and opt in action. No financial support is required.

Those that endorse the BCHF are also able to “voice and exit” at any time for any reason by simply asking to be removed from the list.

For better or worse BCH will have some form of spokesperson or people doing outreach. In a vacuum someone will take on that role. There is also no reason why you HAVE to choose the BCHF. If you believe that there is a better alternative we fully recommend you endorse and support them instead.

The following organizations/individuals have publicly supported the efforts of the BCHF to act on their behalf for the purposes of Bitcoin Cash adoption (links are public announcements):



General Protocols

If you would like to show your support for the efforts of the BCHF please make a public post on your social media or website and let us know by tagging or emailing us and we will add you to the list.

Feel free to use the following template or create your own:

“We support the Bitcoin Cash Foundation in communication efforts related to BCH ecosystem news and basic outreach. Further, we support the Bitcoin Cash Foundation’s efforts to ensure Bitcoin Cash is represented in a manner consistent with ecosystem standards.”

If in the future the scope of the BCHF activities expands we will contact every endorsing member and ask if they still want to be included in the list of supporters.


If you wish to support the efforts of the BCHF either financially or by public endorsement please feel free to do so by donating below and/or making a public statement of support and letting us know and we will add you to our list.


Cash Tokens bitcoincash:zqcrytuaavwua8xfqreu2ulc7re6f0aflyuhn5eaxq

Let’s work together to see even more adoption and community support over then next year!

$ 0.75
$ 0.43 from Anonymous user(s)
$ 0.30 from @Omar
$ 0.02 from @JLoberiza
Avatar for BCHF
Written by
2 months ago


It's a very interesting project, and I didn't know about it. Thanks for sharing.

$ 0.00
2 months ago

This is a wonderful project. Maybe I should start uploading BCH related artwork in RedBubble too.. hopefully it would help...

$ 0.00
2 months ago


$ 0.00
1 month ago