BCHF June 2023 Report

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1 year ago


The purpose of the BCH is to spread awareness of the Bitcoin Cash project and to ensure that relevant basic information and branding is correct across platforms. The BCHF also tasks themselves with filling gaps in the BCH ecosystem that "someone" needs to do but as of yet does not have an owner.

The following is the first report on the activity of the BCHF and its current status.


While the BCHF was founded over a year ago activities did not really pick up until June of 2023 when we took over the BCH weekly news formerly organized by Satoshi's Angels.

In June we have posted 4 news reports across multiple platforms and have also created 3 video news reports of the same content.

Recently Coinmarketcap.com launched their "communities" feature where projects can post updates and interact with those interested in their coin. Quickly the Bitcoin Cash page surpassed 35k followers. News articles posted to the community page get featured on the coins detail page.

Once nice side effect of this is that people do not need to dig very deeply to get the most recent BCH news. The news is also often reflected in the Trading View page for BCH as well.

We have already seen the effect in increased awareness of BCH events and positive sentiments.

Hopefully by continuing to provide information and news to platforms outside of our bubble, the increased awareness will bring in more people of every type, investors, innovators, creators, developers and more.

This is at the core of what the BCHF is trying to do.

We have also begun the process of reaching out to various crypto projects and organizations to correct mistaken names (BCHABC etc.) and logos (Orange with wings which are no longer used by any major stakeholders) and that correct information is written on their platform regarding very basic things such as BCH fork history and status.


We have made significant progress in the "Free BCH accepted here sticker" program. Hopefully service will be fully available in less than 1 months time.


Subscribers or Followers / Views


The BCHF believes in transparency. All donations will be received with the following 4 BCH addresses.

Why 4? Any and all work. The read.cash wallet is independent to this platform, however the other 3 all go to the same wallet. The only purpose of having 3 addresses is to gauge interest and success of efforts. Feel free to donate to whichever you prefer. They are posted here for the sake of accountability.

All expenses will be accounted for and where ever possible BCH accepting businesses will be given priority over non-BCH accepting ones.

  • Weekly News:


  • Stickers:


  • General Donations:


  • Read.Cash:


We also accept CashToken donations at the following address:

  • bitcoincash:zqcrytuaavwua8xfqreu2ulc7re6f0aflyuhn5eaxq (current balance: 0)

To date (July 8th 2023) the balances are as follows in BCH and current USD value.

News: 0.741567230BCH 213.29USD

Stickers: 0.00008888BCH 0.02USD

General: 0.00008891 BCH 0.02USD

Read: 0.12217531BCH 34.14USD

Total: 0.86392033 BCH $247.47

Publish0x pays in various crypto. At the time the accrued value is significant we will convert them to BCH and add them to the NEWS address.

Current total USD value: $4.87



  • Bitcoincashfoundation.org

  • thebitcoincash.foundation

  • thebitcoincashfoundation.org June 2022-2024 $67.90

  • greenbitcoin.energy June 2023-24 $7.16


  • Bitcoincashfoundation.org June 2022-2023 $142.56


As of this date the above expenses were all donated by C. L. and have not been reimbursed. Also 100% of the above efforts were done by C.L. with donated time. We consider this to be the "bootstrapping" phase. It is unclear if donations will allow current efforts to be expanded or even sustained. It is conceivable that we may need to do a flipstarter to at least ensure current activities continue. In the future we may expand and offer paid services as well. However this bootstrapping phase is mostly about filling gaps and needs we see in the BCH ecosystem. After a few months time we will reevaluate the scope of the BCHF based on the success of the efforts made.


Most organizations have no protocol for dealing with a decentralized entity.

As a decentralized project, Bitcoin Cash has no singular voice or point of contact nor will it ever. Every individual is welcome to act in their own way to push BCH forward. It is however sometimes useful to have a united voice to increase amplification. Similar to the CHIP process, individuals and organizations that feel the BCHF is doing a good job promoting Bitcoin Cash and providing accurate information can add their own weight behind the BCHF by publicly showing support.

This is a voluntary and opt in action. No financial support is required.

Those that endorse the BCHF are also able to "voice and exit" at any time for any reason by simply asking to be removed from the list.

For better or worse BCH will have some form of spokesperson or people doing outreach. In a vacuum someone will take on that role. There is also no reason why you HAVE to choose the BCHF. If you believe that there is a better alternative we fully recommend you endorse and support them instead.

The following organizations/individuals have publicly supported the efforts of the BCHF to act on their behalf for the purposes of Bitcoin Cash adoption (links are public announcements):


If you would like to show your support for the efforts of the BCHF please make a public post on your social media or website and let us know by tagging or emailing us and we will add you to the list.

Feel free to use the following template or create your own:

"We support the Bitcoin Cash Foundation in communication efforts related to BCH ecosystem news and basic outreach. Further, we authorize the Bitcoin Cash Foundation to act on our behalf in the areas of ensuring basic branding is consistent."

If in the future the scope of the BCHF activities expands we will contact every endorsing member and ask if they still want to be included in the list of supporters.


If you wish to support the efforts of the BCHF either financially or by public endorsement please feel free to do so by donating below and/or making a public statement of support and letting us know and we will add you to our list.


$ 1.44
$ 1.00 from @emergent_reasons
$ 0.23 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.15 from @Omar
+ 2
Avatar for BCHF
Written by
1 year ago
