Introducing the BCH Bull
Are you bullish about Bitcoin Cash? Will Bitcoin Cash out perform Doge coin? Is Bitcoin losing value against Bitcoin Cash?
The BCH Bull is a new decentralised web application currently in development on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain, allowing anyone to long Bitcoin Cash against many other tradeable assets, including USD, BTC, Gold, Silver, Doge coin and many others.
Built using the AnyHedge open source protocol and software, BCH Bull will allow users to trustlessly open positions with up to 10x leverage, backing their position against liquidity providers, that take the hedging side of the contract.
After deciding on various terms of the contract such as BCH amount, chosen asset, contract duration and leverage amount, the smart contract is created directly on the BCH blockchain, with the bull then able to monitor their open and historic trade positions on the web app.
BCH Bull will therefore allow permissionless contracts between two parties, with no counterparty risk. With the use of price oracles and a contract settlement service, the process will truly allow a seamless user experience of decentralised finance on an utxo blockchain.
The Bull’s Roadmap
The bull is scheduled to be let loose in early 2022, initially in beta mode. On-going community updates are scheduled over the coming months, describing more technical aspects of the project and progress updates.
To learn more, we invite all bulls and interested parties to join us in Telegram ( or follow the bull on Twitter (@BCH_BULL)
The unbeatable Bull!
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Looking forward for those technical updates from coming months.