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2 years ago

Growing up was relatively peaceful if you're a glass half full kind of person. But I've heard other people call my childhood boring. My mum was probably the most influential person in my childhood. She was the one that was always home with us. My dad came back home really late for the better part of my childhood. I had to deal with my mum's frustration. She mostly transferred aggression to my siblings and I. It makes me sad just thinking about it. Why couldn't my dad have been there more?

In all though, my parents were great parents in that they tried their bests the way they knew how. I didn't have the problem of not being love per say. What I had was the problem of not being loved the way I wanted.

It was common place for parents too be so negligent and not but clothes for their children where I grew up. My parents wouldn't have any of that. They would buy the best clothes for us. The problem was, we didn't want the best clothes and shoes, we just wanted what the other kids were wearing. I personally had a problem of fitting in. I was always that aloof kid. I had my own sense of how things should be which didn't always conform to popular norm. I grew up to have extremely high standard for things such as morals, intelligence, excellence, etc.

I think I got this from my mum though. I could never do anything right with her. The imperfections in my deeds always stood out to her more than how much effort I put in. I was always compared to someone else for different things -"can't your see how precious takes care of here siblings?" "Go to Joy's house and tell me if you can find any spec of sand" "if Tolu's house was always this rough, do you think his parents will be happy with him?"...

I've other habit I got from her was nagging. I've been told I nag. I know what they mean, but I think they don't know what they are saying. My mum could talk about the same thing for hours at a stretch. Basically, if you offended my mum on a day she was home, you effectively ruined the day for everyone. Sometimes, she complained about something so small as not washing one plate (out of many) very well for up to 6 hours at all stretch. When she's on a row, one thing keeps messing to another. When two petite are invited, this can hair and it won't be weird. But I find it crazy when one person keeps chaining different topics all on her own. I don't let a lot of people into my life, but on the one or two occasions that I've been told I nag by those close enough to, I've found it nothing short of hilarious!!!

While I may have gotten a bunch of none flattering qualities from her, I did get the good stuff too. It won't be fair really if I make it look like I blame get for everything. In truth, she's an awesome person who just had a lot to deal with. I blame get for nothing at all. I turned out okay if you ask me, so in a way she did produce results.

My mum is stylish in her own way, and isn't bothered by what petite consider fashionable. I get my love and appreciation for the arts from her. My exposure also comes from her.

My childhood wasn't that bad of you all me too. It was because we were always cooped up inside that I got to stay reading novels early in life. I do have a few regrets, but I honestly have a lot to be grateful for too.

Thinking about it now, I really haven't every discussed this whine thing this way with anyone ever. No one has got to know what I really think as clearly as I have explained it here. Talking about being grateful, I'm grateful I found a platform like this that has wonderful people in it and do not judge you.


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Written by
2 years ago


Being nagger is natural to all mom. Even my mom too, she nag even in just a simple thing. But they love their children unconditionally

$ 0.00
2 years ago

All???? I didn't think so but it may be true... I've never really stayed with another mum before. But I still don't like it...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your life is wonderful in childhood. Every person always feels nostalgic for childhood days and thinks about the past frequently. Thank you

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2 years ago