We spend our valuable time in search of perfection, till we realize perfection lies within our satisfaction. Perfection is a concept without any physical existence. Its existence is found only as an idea, a Platonic form. No matter how hard we try to reach the mark of perfection, we will just put our efforts in the void as Author Julia Cameron, in “The Artist’s Way”, quoted “Perfectionism is a refusal to let yourself move ahead. It is a loop–an obsessive, debilitating closed system that causes you to get stuck in the details of what you are writing or painting or making and to lose sight of the whole.”
The quest for perfection may have a good outcome though. It helps to improve something better and better. Until someone’s not obsessed with reaching the mark of perfection. Such obsession drives one to be concerned with achieving unattainable ideals or unrealistic goals. Such perfectionism often puts someone in adjustment problems. Lack of self-esteem is one of the very common outcomes of perfectionism which consequently awakens suicidal thoughts and attempts.
Perfectionism often destroys the beauty of art, whereas Japanese culture has a whole philosophy about bringing out beauty from imperfection. Wabi-sabi recognizes imperfection and strives to find harmony through acceptance. Artists and artisans often tend to intentionally leave a flaw in a painting or pot for the work to reflect wabi-sabi. The philosophy of wabi-sabi nurtures everything authentic by acknowledging three simple realities:
“nothing lasts,
nothing is finished, and
nothing is perfect.”
So let’s put the quest for perfection aside and find satisfaction in the beauty of imperfection, work to make things better but not perfect.
And Never forget that real people aren't perfect, and perfect people aren't real. We all are nowhere near anyone’s standard of perfection. We are unordinary, our own powerful beings.
Thank you.
I know you will shine