October 1st: A historic date for the Indonesian people
October is a special month for the Indonesian people. This month there are many important historical moments that should always be remembered by the Indonesian people, especially the younger generation. Starting from the beginning of October to be exact today. October 1 is a very historic date for the Indonesian people where every year it will always be remembered as the day of the magic of Pancasila or Kesaktian Pancasila in indonesian.
What is Pancasila for the Indonesian people?
Pancasila is the ideological pillar of the Indonesian state. Pillars can be interpreted as a reinforcing pole of a building as well as the main base or main support pole. There are 4 pillars for the conditions for the establishment of the Indonesian nation :
Five Sila
The 1945 Constitution (the year the
Indonesian nation was born)
Republic of Indonesia
Unity in Diversity ( Bhinneka Tunggal Ika )
Commemorating the birth of the holy day of Pancasila
October 1 for the Indonesian people will definitely remind us of a history or reconnect with the moment that happened on September 30, 1965. At that time, there was a group of rebels who wanted to seize power or overthrow the government at that time. One of them is wanting to destroy the goals and contents of Pancasila which was initiated by the government at that time when Indonesia became independent and became a country. And there are some groups who want to oppose the Government. Then the government and the military tried to defend it and fight these rebels so that 7 high-ranking army military officers were killed or killed during the rebellion. So that every October 1 is commemorated as the day of the magic of Pancasila based on a decree of the minister / commander of the army dated September 17, 1966. Because the contents contained in Pancasila were able to thwart communist efforts to destroy the contents contained in Pancasila. This is why Pancasila is called sacred.
Initiator of Pancasila Sanctity Day
The Pancasila sacred day was initiated by the then 2nd president of Indonesia, Soeharto. At that time he was still serving as Major General as Commander of the Army Strategic Command and took over command of the Army. After getting permission from Indonesia's first president Soekarno.
The meaning of this Pancasila sacred day was created :
First, as a day where all high-ranking officers and members of the Indonesian army mourned because during the Rebellion on September 30, 1965, many army officers died.
Second, the supernatural power of Pancasila also has the meaning of respect.
The Origin of Pancasila
In the language of Panca - Sila comes from two Sanskrit words, namely Panca meaning Five and Sila meaning life or principle so that the basis for the establishment of the Indonesian state is guided by this Pancasila.
So, the meaning of Pancasila is also used as a basis if there are obstacles or disturbances that attack the Indonesian nation so that it remains firmly standing in the face of various national problems. Values or items contained in Pancasila are created based on Indonesian life and traditions.
After conducting long negotiations at that time, finally, 5 points or the contents of the Pancasila were born, namely :
1. God Almighty
2. Just and civilized humanity
3. Indonesian Union
4. Democracy led by wisdom in representative deliberation
5. Social justice for all Indonesian people.
( In Indonesian )
1. Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa
2. Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab
3. Persatuan Indonesia
4. Kerakyatan yang di pimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan perwakilan
5. Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia
Each of the contents of this Pancasila has its own symbol and meaning. All of that must be applied in people's lives in maintaining the values of Pancasila.
The first precept symbol is the golden star
The second precept symbol is the chain rope
The third precept symbol is the banyan tree
The symbol of the fourth precept is the head of the bull
The symbols of the fifth precept are cotton and rice
Pancasila with the symbol of the garuda bird
Pancasila has a special symbol that is in the form of a Garuda Bird, that's why we call it Garuda Pancasila. And each side of the symbol also has the meaning of the birth of the Indonesian nation.
Why was the Garuda Bird chosen as the symbol of the Indonesian state? Because Garuda is the king of all birds which is also known as the magic bird eagle eagle. The eagle symbolizes dynamic strength and motion. It can be seen from the wings that expand and are ready to fly into the sky.
And at the foot of the eagle symbol there is the inscription "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" which in English "Unity in Diversity " has its meaning as well.
Bhinneka means diverse or different.
Tunggal means One
Ika means that
Literally Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which means that even though they are different, in essence, the Indonesian people are still one unit.
The struggle of a nation is not only from the past but also today, tomorrow, and forever. Our struggle is not over. Let's fight together for our country to be just and prosperous. Likewise with the Indonesian people.
There is nowhere else that I can associate garuda with but with Indonesia. Now we have an understanding of Pancasila.