Learn from the story of a builder

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Avatar for Ayukyukyu2
1 year ago

There are many stories that occur in this universe that we can take life lessons from. Live to always be serious about doing something. Especially in kindness to others, especially to the Creator. Lord, the almighty God. Do not feel forced or not sincere in doing it because if we are not sincere believe me we will also reap according to what we do. Especially when it comes to worshiping God.

Let's learn a little from the story of a builder who should be the subject of our reflection. For years this builder worked with the contractor but he felt he was not getting paid more. He felt that his dedication so far was not commensurate with what he got. Finally he decided to retire from his job and told his boss. The contractor also agreed to the builder's request on one condition. He had to finish one more house before the handyman retired.

Finally finished the last building he made. Next, he handed the key to the new house to the contractor. Then, the contractor smiled and said this house is a gift for you because you have worked with me for a long time. Invite your family to live here. This house is a gift for your dedication to me. Immediately, the builder was shocked and there was a deep sense of regret. Why is the house that he finally wants to live in that he does carelessly.

But alas it was too late and had happened. Now, like it or not, he has to live with his family in a house that looks luxurious and majestic from the outside because of the best polishes, but unfortunately behind the glossy paint is just a blanket of fragile, easily rotten and rotten materials. That means, he just has to wait for the house to be damaged in the near future and witness the results of his own actions.

It's a shame, because insincerity, heavy heart, not serious, careless and compulsion turned out to force the builder to choose the worst way, which led to regret, and ended his career in a sad way.

Likewise, the worship that we do in this world is like a house that we are building for us to occupy in the next life after our life ends (death) from this world. Don't let us regret later because we will occupy a bad house (hell) in the afterlife. All of that is from the results that we build ourselves carelessly while in the world.

Some of us are currently working as an employee at a certain company or institution. There are even those who have served for years until they have to retire due to old age. There is so much work we have done and given to many people out there to see and enjoy the results.

But the question is, how much have we done all of that in the best way we have, with all our hearts without grumbling and compulsion?

The story above teaches us, that while there is still time, do everything in earnest, which brings good to everyone with a sincere heart, in great ways that God has given to everyone. Because there comes a time when everyone can't do it anymore, that is when death comes to him. So that his life feels bland, does not have any positive impact and is forgotten in the world of His creation.

Once again, do all the noble work that God has entrusted to us, and do everything with a sincere heart, as if today is the last day for you and me to work in His created world. Because actually we never know what will happen one second in the future in our life. This world is the biggest house we live in with our extended family, namely all the people in it, but not infrequently we do many things that are useless, not optimal, carelessly, grumbling and full of compulsion.

Remember! Don't let you and I regret it in the future, when we are asked and confronted with the Creator. Do good deeds all for the sake of Allah and do not do bad deeds solely out of fear of Allah.

Sponsors of Ayukyukyu2

Sincerity, gratitude and good prejudice we need to do in doing something. May it be a reminder for us that Allah will give us what we want at the right time with the value according to what we do. May be useful.

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Avatar for Ayukyukyu2
1 year ago


This post is great because Copper Canyon Landscaping is an emerging trend in the world of gardening and home decor. It is a design concept that involves the use of natural rocks, boulders and plants to create a beautiful outdoor space custom decks and patios that desire a low maintenance but aesthetically pleasing outdoor area. With its natural and earthy color, this type of landscaping can add a rustic and modern touch to your property.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is a very classic example of reaping what you sow. Nice moral!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

True, just because we are not grateful for what we get we can't see around us there are still people who are more difficult than us. Don't think too much about the most difficult because there are still more difficult ones and don't forget to feel the greatest because there are still more great ones.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

That is very well said. You never fail to amaze me with your insightfulness.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

What ever we do with sincerity we have immense satisfaction. That is very true. Because even if our employer is not aware of what we are doing , never forget we are being noticed by Almighty

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thanks for adding. That's right, whatever actions we do just because of Allah, we can certainly accept how hard the work is, maybe even not according to our expectations.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

What we do can be useful for others and sincere. We who receive must also receive with gratitude.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Do unto others what you would like to be done unto you.

$ 0.01
1 year ago