77 years of Indonesia's independence

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1 year ago
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Today 77 years ago, on August, 17 1945 to be exact, was a historic date, month and year for Indonesia. It was on this date that Indonesia was declared independent from the colonial rule of other nations who wanted to dominate and seize Indonesia.

With all the struggles of the heroes, martyrs, brave young people, the people who sacrificed their blood and tears at that time joined the struggle so that Indonesia was free from colonialism.

So every August 17, we are Indonesia. And this year - August, 17 2022. We, the Indonesian people, can again celebrate this independence day. This year is the 77th year that my country has become independent, free from colonialism, war, has its own country, leads its own country, the good and the bad of my country. This is where I was born, earn a living, experience joy and sorrow, feel prosperity and even misery, we can't go anywhere. Laugh, cry, happy, sad, here we live it.

Maybe sometimes I am grateful that I was born here, sometimes complain because I see my country is very chaotic, sometimes smile at my country which is so rich in natural beauty, sometimes angry at my country because of the actions of a few uncivilized humans messing up the dignity of my country. I'm envious of other countries, maybe? I want to live in another country, can I? But, everything has been destined for me here, on the earth of Indonesia.

A wall painting by one of my students in the framework of a wall drawing competition with the theme of Indonesian independence

That's right, Indonesia is my country, red and white is the color of my flag, Garuda is the symbol of my country, Pancasila is the ideological pillar of my country, Pancasila which has a very meaningful symbol in every precept. That's part of the hallmark of my country. 17, August we celebrate and remember how Indonesia was independent? read the history of how they fought while defending this country so that it remained solid, intact and sovereign.

A country that has many provinces and each province has its own regional language. However, Indonesian remains the unifying language of the nation.

We, the generation which is a generation, share the fruits of their struggle today. What we can do is be loyal to my country, remember the services of heroes by defending, being dedicated, knowledgeable and insightful. To build and care for this archipelago as best as possible. To be a superior and brilliant generation.

To show our nationalism as children of the nation who love their country while celebrating independence day. We, held a special flag ceremony celebrating the independence of my country, sang the national anthem of my country, sang the national anthem and the struggle as a dedication to feel grateful, happy, and cheerful in welcoming the country's independence.

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Great Indonesia anthem ( Indonesia Raya ), my country's national anthem

[ Video song Indonesia Raya by TheMarches09 Chanel ]

The song Indonesia Raya, was composed by the composer Wage Rudolf Supratman or who is often known as W. R. Supratman. Song as the nationality of my country. The meaning of the song that so upholds the love for my country, deep gratitude for the struggle of the heroes who have defended the country with their blood and tears. The song Indonesia Raya was created to describe the spirit and ideals of the fighters of the national movement who wanted to be freed from the shackles of the invaders. Everything, we should be grateful.

77 years Indonesia "Recover faster, rise stronger"

Every year in welcoming the government under the auspices of the ministry of education and culture, it always carries a theme and creates different logos. For this year the theme is “Recover Faster Rise Stronger” . Of course, the Ministry of Education and Culture has its own thoughts to carry this theme, including:

1. Background ‘Together Recover Faster Rise Stronger’ ( in Indonesian " Pulih lebih cepat bangkit lebih kuat " )

This year, Indonesia as a member of the G20 forum does not only fight for its national interests. But also to the global level and become the voice of developing countries that contribute to solving various economic problems or challenges facing the world.

Indonesia's 77th Independence Day reflects how the values ​​of Pancasila and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika contained in the Garuda symbol are to unite us in facing the challenges that exist and lead us to recover faster to be ready to face global challenges and rise stronger to be ready to bring Indonesia is advanced.

2. Visual character

The visual character of the 77th Republic of Indonesia's Independence Day reflects the optimism of a nation that is dynamic, synergistic, decisive, and straightforward in facing global challenges, and is a manifestation of the hope that together we can recover faster and rise stronger towards advanced Indonesia.

3. The meaning of the 77th Indonesian independence logo

The meaning of the 77th Indonesian Independence Day logo is to reflect the feeling of a dynamic, synergistic, firm, and straightforward nation. That is a reflection of the values ​​of Pancasila and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which unites the Indonesian people in realizing the hope that together they can recover faster and rise stronger towards an advanced Indonesia.

4. 7 Philosophy in Logo 77

Quoted from the Ministry of Education and Culture. There are 7 philosophies in the logo of the 77th Indonesian Independence Day, namely:

Two Up Arrows (Acceleration and Movement): The shape of the number 77 resembles two upward arrows symbolizing acceleration movement in improving Indonesia's condition to recover faster and rise stronger.

Two Stairs (Progress and Development): Two horizontal lines form a ladder leading up to symbolize the progress and development of all sectors in Indonesia.

Truncated Top (Democracy and Openness): The truncated top symbolizes the openness of the Indonesian nation in its role at the global level to move freely and actively together in the recovery of world conditions.

Italics and Sharp Angles (Semangat Juang and Garuda Pancasila): The sharp slashes and angles, inspired by the sharp bamboo and the head of the Garuda Pancasila, symbolize the spirit of the warrior to rise stronger and tougher

Two Curved Lines (Synergy and Hope): Two curved lines symbolize the synergy of the government and society in working together and moving side by side flexibly and dynamically towards one direction, towards Advanced Indonesia.

Connecting Angle (international liaison): The connecting angle symbolizes Indonesia's role in the G20 forum in uniting the voices of developed countries to contribute to solving various issues and challenges facing the world.

Silhouette Number 1 (Unity of Indonesia): The silhouette of number one symbolizes the spirit of Unity in Unity in Diversity as the motto of the great, strong, and united Indonesian nation.

August, 17 Indonesia's independence day

( Indonesian independence day song, Merdeka Day 17 August 45 by video KAIRATUN TENUN channel )

The meaning of August 17, 1945 for the Indonesian people is to be a moment of firm statement that the Indonesian people declare independence and break away from colonialism and form an independent and sovereign state.

Philosophically, the proclamation of independence is a guide to the history of the Indonesian nation. Each of these dates will continue to be remembered and remembered by every young generation of Indonesia. That this country was born, thanks to the struggle of the heroes in fighting for the Indonesian nation

And there is the text of the proclamation of independence as the culmination of the struggle of the Indonesian nation and as an affirmation that the Indonesian nation has been able to stand alone as a new country and free from colonialism.

Indonesian independence proclamation text

"We, the Indonesian people, hereby declare the independence of Indonesia. Matters concerning the transfer of power and others are carried out in a careful manner and in the shortest possible time".

(In Indonesian)

“Kami bangsa Indonesia dengan ini menjatakan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Hal-hal jang mengenai pemindahan kekoeasaan dan lain-lain diselenggarakan dengan cara seksama dan dalam tempo jang sesingkat-singkatnya".

The Meaning of the Proclamation of Independence from Various Aspects

Regarding the meaning of the proclamation of independence in more depth from various aspects, it is also explained in the book Citizenship Education: National and State Skills Class VII (2007), among others :

  1. The Meaning of the Proclamation from the Historical Aspect

    The meaning of the proclamation from the historical aspect is a sign of the end of the history of the colonial position in the archipelago. In addition, it is a form of the beginning of the early history of Indonesia's independence as an independent and sovereign country.

  2. The Meaning of the Proclamation from the Sociological Aspect

    Meanwhile, from the sociological aspect, the meaning of the proclamation of independence changed the Indonesian nation into a nation free from colonialism. In addition, the spirit of Indonesia was opened again to start building a nation and state that had long been destroyed due to the position of the colonizers.

  3. The Meaning of the Proclamation from the Cultural Aspect

    Meanwhile, the meaning of the proclamation of Indonesian independence from the cultural aspect will certainly create a new civilization in the form of equality in the dignity, worth and degree of its people. During the colonial period, the Indonesian people were referred to as natives by the colonialists. After independence, the Indonesian nation upholds human values ​​and does not discriminate against ethnicity, religion, race and class.

  4. The Meaning of the Proclamation from the Legal Aspect

    From the legal aspect, the meaning of the proclamation of independence is a statement of the abolition of colonial law and replaced by Indonesian national law as well as the highest political decision. All forms of law belonging to the colonizers were replaced with Indonesian legal products.

  5. The Meaning of the Proclamation from the Spiritual Aspect

    Lastly from the spiritual aspect, the meaning of the proclamation is a gift from God Almighty and for all His grace the independence of Indonesia can be realized. Without the power of God Almighty, Indonesia's independence will never be achieved. In addition, Indonesia's independence cannot be separated from the prayers of all Indonesian people.

  6. The Meaning of the Proclamation from the Political Aspect

    From a political point of view, the meaning of the proclamation of independence is a statement and proof that the Indonesian nation is equal to sovereign nations throughout the world. The Indonesian people are also free to determine the right policies and attitudes according to noble ideals without any interference or coercion from other countries

Happy Indonesian Independence Day, get well soon my country, rise faster. Have a trustworthy leader, love the people, love the country's children. I love Indonesia

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Avatar for Ayukyukyu2
1 year ago


Happy Independence Day dear friend

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank you dear..

$ 0.00
1 year ago

MERDEKA!!! wah panjang banget, sampe gemeteran bacanya. Hahaha

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes, MERDEKA 😁😁. Isi hati papa Hafiza, yang harus tercurahkan nanti terbayang2 kalau belum di tuangkan di sini...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Semoga di usia Indonesia saat ini bisa melawan permasalahan yang saat ini sedang menimpa negara kita. Dan semoga Indonesia semakin banyak dikenal sama negara besar lainnya supaya perekonomian Indonesia makin meningkat.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Aamiin yang terbaik untuk negeri kita

$ 0.00
1 year ago

merdeka. dirgahayu untuk indonesia ku. semoga indonesia bisa bangkit dari keterpurukan keadaan hari ini. Lawan korupsi untuk indonesia yang lebih bersinar.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Aamiin. Yang masih terdapat kepalsuan segera terselesaikan. Yang terkhianati mendapat keadilan. Yang suka mencuri uang rakyat segera punah....

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Aamiin. Semoga kepalsuan bisa terungkap, yang pelaku mencuri uang rakyat segera punah, yang terkhianati mendapat keadilan. Negeri aman, damai rakyat bisa hidup sejahtera dengan dan baik dengan cara yang baik pula.

$ 0.00
1 year ago


$ 0.01
1 year ago

Happy Independence Day Indonesia!!!🎉 It really is a momentous event especially for the people in Indonesia because it is to celebrate the day of Freedom after all the sacrifices they have shown, specifically those that considered as the heroes of those times!!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

That's right... when we sing the national anthem we can imagine how they, our heroes, are fighting to keep the nation alive on earth.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes. As we live with their memories of heroism, they deserve the honours and keep their memories in our hearts.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Oh I think lots of Asian countries got their independence in August month. Happy Independence Day Indonesians! Let's rise to developed from developing.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

That's right... Tomorrow South Korea celebrates their country's independence day. For India too. Yesterday was celebrating. Our country even has some similarities, especially music.. Indonesia loves Indian music.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Such days are pride , honour and dignity in history of nations. Happiness , pleasure and feelings of independence are most worthy. Happy independence Day Indonesia!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Proud, grateful, happy that we exist today because of the services of heroes who have fought for our nation and country

$ 0.00
1 year ago