Wonder how my eyes go to sleep while I declare my empathy for those living such terrible sleepless nights. I wonder how my smile appears, when deep inside, I claim to know what it feels like to imagine your loved ones under a huge rumble.

I wonder how can I eat so lavishly when the heart claims to be

wrenched on those little angels wrapped in the coffin.

Are they alone entitled to this sheer generational disgrace?

Are they the only ones who have to prove their belief on the forthcoming of Prophet Isa and wait for it? Are they the only ones who deserve to be punished for our weak faith and wahn?

Nay! The moment we will be asked for our share of sacrifices, the moment we will lose our dear ones, not only to bombs and death but to being captives and going missing, our spines will know what chill actually feels like. Our brains will know how mental health defiance feels like. We will then know where the 'get busy dying actually comes from

The truth is, we just proclaim our beliefs; they prove it, whether it be the belief an Aakhirah or it be the descending of prophet Isa. When it comes to us being tested equally, we will fail to exhibit the required faith, let alone it be the steadfastness on keeping the track of Allah's path.

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@Ayra posted 1 year ago
