Living like the squirrel and the acorn

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1 year ago
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This is really an inspiration thing that I learnt today, it really amuse me, the squirrel works hard everyday to get acorn's seed they can eat it but they split it into two and eat one part and store the other part in the ground so they can come back for it, but what happens when they are leave there? They end up forgetting where their stockpile is and do they same thing the next day, they always divide their acorn seed into half and one part and store the other part, they probably thought they would need it again but they end up not seeing it again and find another acorn seed to eat from the tree, but you know what? They are responsible for the growth acorn forest because once they store that acorn seed in the ground, the seed sprout into a big acorn tree and that is why there is acorn forest where there are acorn trees, because they forgot where they hid the seed they did not wait and keep searching until they find it but they looked for another one because it had be pain to keep on looking for can not be regained.

I looked at this and I realize it's hard to forget about the things of the past that hurts you but it's harder keep on holding unto it without letting it go or without forgetting about it because good things won't come out of it.

I know it's difficult but why don't you give yourself chance to heal, it's okay to cry, scream, throw things , don't hold it in, it's more difficult to bear when you hold it in, the heartbreak, pain from losing someone, maybe it's work or family pressure, heal from them, sometimes when you cry deeply you let go of pains holding you back, holding back won't make good things spring out, refresh yourselves, your mind and heart need refreshing, you can't love another if you don't love yourself first, if you don't heal from the past you can't move on, move on from your past, tomorrow has a good thing in store for you, don't loose it because of the past.

There are lots of people who are depressed because of the things that happened in the past, you are heartbroken because you expected much from someone and something bad happened out of the blue, or you lost someone close, start all over again, reschedule your plans, make appointment, do something new and move on again, alot of goodies are coming for you, don't loose them again because of what you've lost, the future is worth more than the past, a new tree cannot grow if the squirrel keep on looking for the lost acorn and if he finally finds it, he will eat and that's how it will continue without the growth of new trees, focus on the positive things that will come soon and enjoy them.

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1 year ago
