Failures makes me Stronger

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Avatar for Aying-aying
2 years ago

Let’s admit to ourselves that we all have our own failures in life, and we can’t avoid them. As the saying goes "no one is perfect". It is up to us how we deal with these failures, whether you will give up or you will challenge it and start all over again.

I had so many failures in my life but this is what really strikes me. When I graduated from college I immediately filed in the office of the Professional Regulation Commission or PRC to take the Licensure Examination for teachers. Enrolled in a review center for three months and focused on reviewing. I knew in myself that I did everything I studied well, listened to the instructor reviews and took the review wholeheartedly but I failed.

Exam day September 29, 2019 I am very excited because I know in myself that I am ready to take the exam, ask for help from the Lord may he guide me in answering the questions that will appear in the exam. According to his guide, I answered all the questions in my exam.

I waited more than two months for the results to come out whether I passed or not. I am very nervous on the day of December 3, 2019 because this is the day that I will know if I am already a licensed teacher or not. Before I opened the link where the names of those who passed are listed, I first prayed to God that whatever the result would be, I would accept it wholeheartedly. When I opened it and I didn’t see my name, I would admit I was hurt and that I was disappointed in myself but what I said earlier that whatever the outcome would be I would accept. Maybe it is not my time to be a licensed teacher yet, because I know that only God knows when this will happen. My failure was made my motivation to get up and file again, but unfortunately the exam was postponed four times due to pandemic. But that is not the reason for me to giving up. I will wait and wait for my destiny, and I believe in saying that “We do our best and God will do the rest”.

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$ 0.05 from @Sheng-a-leng
Avatar for Aying-aying
2 years ago
