Worst feelings of the world!!

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2 years ago

Hey dear Readers!!

If a person can be happy because of the attitudes of the people, then there are some attitudes of the people which make us think that they do not come into our life at all. Because some people makes our life very difficult. Let's we discuss how people makes our lives hell.

Spreading rumours about you or other:


This is the worst and most difficult feelings of life. Spreading the rumours about someone is most dirty act by others. Right now there is a drama going on in Pakistan in which it is explained that if you find happiness in your life by slandering an innocent person without any reason then those happiness will be only temporary. Because Allah show reward to those who ruin the lives of others. Some people do not consider it is a sin having a rumour spread about others.

I remember that a boy in a university was humiliated by some boys that he has secretly married a girl. And the guy who was talking about it didn't know it. When he found out about, he was very upset because he has been scolded by many people and teachers. His parents came to the university and they had to testify and give clearance of their son. Then he started coming to the university easily.

Why doesn't person think before he spoils the lives of others that this action of his will make the life of the next one difficult?

By saying bad words about him behind his back, you not only ruin his life but also make his character suspicious in the eyes of others.

Getting making fun in front of people:

Have you ever been through this ordeal?

Some people insult us in front of others so that we can fall out of their sight and reduce the importance we get. Sometimes friends make jokes but never allow anyone to make fun of you in front of others. Because this act hurts our self respect and also cause mental suffering. If such people make fun about you in front of others then ignore them and their comments/tonts as if you have not heard anything.

If someone is making fun of you again and again, never keep quite, but answer them in a sarcastic manner so that the next time they think about you before saying something wrong. But that doesn't mean you say some stupid and they hold that point to make more fun of yours. Teach them the language of distinction. Speak out and tell them that you don't like this behaviour.

It's all about for today guys. Thank you so much for your precious time. I hope you spend your day with full of happiness and prosperity. Don't forget to help others because this small act make your day very peaceful. Also check the articles of my beautiful sponsors guys. You must learn and gain some knowledge from their articles. Thank you so much my dear readers and sponsors.

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Stay safe, stay happy and stay healthy. Have a blessed night guys.


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2 years ago


I hate it when people spread rumors because my brother get into depression just because of rumors and after that I never trust anyone if I didn't see the same thing with my eyes ;-)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ohh sad, rumours makes people's lives miserable. One should not believe on hearsay.

$ 0.00
2 years ago