She knows "How to fly with broken wings"

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2 years ago


Telling a story from a few months ago!!

We all family attend the engagement ceremony of my cousin. Actually my cousin's relationship was immediately confirmed and we were all waiting for her engagement. She was very happy that she bound in a cute relationship. In engagement ceremony, the boy side family confirm the date of her marriage. And finally her marriage was arranged a month later. We cousins makes so much plans that we all enjoy her marriage. Our cousin's bonding were very strong. Therefore we enjoyed our company. A month passed in preparation. She did her shopping in that one month. She also took her furniture. Her mother was so sad that her daughter leave their house after a month. Her mother sometimes weeping alone but she never sad her daughter.

The wedding day came and everyone was very happy. Because this day her life was totally change. All the rituals went very well. When the time came for the Nikah, everyone was sad. When she left, her mother, her aunt's cried a lot. We cousins also sad that one of our cousin leave us.

After marriage, everything was going well in her life. Her husband treat her like a princess. My aunt took great care of her son-in-law because he cared of her daughter. Three months after her marriage, it was discovered that her husband was talking to another girl. She was disappointing to this step of her husband. One day, her husband was not in room, a message of that girl came to his cell. My cousin replied to her and tell her that he is married with her and she's her wife. The next girl send a laughing emoji.

Means, that girl don't care if she was his wife. Really creep

With the passage of time, her husband family treat her like a maid. His family torture her. They wouldn't let her go to her own room. Her mother-in-law abused her. She was trying to grab her mobile. My cousin used to tell her husband everything that his mother, father, brother behaviour is not well with her. They all torture her. At first her husband would comfort her but gradually like his parents, he began to torture her. He went on to make dirty accusations against her.

I can't tell you those words guys, because I don't have the courage to write those words down here. Just think that those words were an insult to a woman's honor.

Instead of being happy she start crying. She's crying that her husband didn't understand her. But when no one understand her , she cut the veins of her arm. A fountain of blood came out. Her husband shocked that how can she do this. After this situation, she took six stitches at her arm.

My cousin family when knowing about this situation, she brought her at home. My cousin thought that her husband would come and take care of her.

You know guys!! What her husband did to her?

A few days later, her husband said that "I'm sending you a divorce notice"

Her family members go to her husband house to resolve the issue but nothing will happened. At last my cousin take a decision to left him. She thought , if she stayed with him, he would make her mentally ill.

What do people say?

She Ignore these words and made a better decision for herself. Once the notice has been signed for divorce. There are only two left. And believe me guy's I didn't see that girl crying after this decision.

But we family members know that she is broken from inside. She doesn't make us feel but she fell very hard once. Her heart is deeply wounded but she still says that she's fine. She was fallen from the great height and it will take time for her to recover.

She didn't say any word to the man except tha KARMA. She believes that God will with her. And if the matter left to the God then the next person is doomed.

I know It will take time for the deep wound to heal her. But she have to move on in life and Yes that's the life.

A message to boys:

Women is very a sweet relation. Include her in your life when you take care of her. If you give a woman only two things, she will sacrifice her life on you.

And what are those two things?

First one is respect and the second one is love.

Never hurt her self respect. Otherwise you will lose her.

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Stay happy, stay safe and stay healthy. Have a blessed day.


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2 years ago
