Let us learn to "forgive" and continue to be happy...

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3 years ago

Many people come into our lives and many people leave. We have a good time with some people and yes some people hurt our heart. Some people can't bear our progress and they try to harm us. Some people promise to live together for the rest of their lives and leave at the end. We have a lot of faith in some people and it hurts a lot when they break our trust.

Obviously when someone does this to us, we will feel resentment for it. We will start hating those people. And we make a promise in our hurt that we will never forgive them. Here we endure two types of suffering.

One, who has broken our trust, this hurt us the most.

Second, we hurt ourselves by thinking all these people.

Remember guys, having anger against someone in your heart is like drinking poison yourself and waiting for your opponent to die.

That is why it is most important to forgive. Forgiveness is important because we hurt ourselves at that types of conditions. How many times have we read in our courses that people should forgive but do we apply this in our lives?

Did you know that guy's, if we forgive the mistakes of others, no matter how big or small it may be, but our hearts feels a big relief and breathes an immense happiness. Forgiveness means forgetting what happened, not only forgetting but also getting it out of your mind.

Forgiveness will make us happy

Remember, forgiving doesn't mean re-trusting the one who hurt us. Forgiveness doesn't mean that he/she should be allowed to do it again. Forgiveness separates us from anger and hatred. By forgiving we free ourselves spiritually and emotionally. Instead of worrying learn from it.

Firstly, We learn to forgive ourselves. Then we have to forgive others. Get yourself out of this , why this happened to me? Just learn a lesson from this situation and relief yourself.

We need and require to forgive and be forgiven. Because we also make mistakes, we also hurt someone by our behaviour perhaps we didn't realize at that time, but if we take a short moment to mediate that through a gesture, a word or a bad action on our parts towards someone else, we are also hurting susceptible beings that are around us.

Forgiveness means forgiving him from the heart, just saying it with the tongue doesn't make sense.

I invite you to be a part of forgiveness. I invite you to embrace those beings with whom you have had difficulties and who without realizing it are stealing your peace of mind, because a heart that doesn't know "how to forgive" is restless heart , a heart without live or therefore a heart that does not know how to love.

Being depressed will create a problem for us, so forgive others. Life is too short man, just laugh and enjoy it.

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Check out also the article of beautiful people.

Today I check the plagiarism of my article and I'm happy to see that , it's 100% unique. Good to myself hehe..

Have a blessed day my dear readers, I'm happy that you give your important time to my words.

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3 years ago
