Don't give can do it

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3 years ago


I hope you are all fine. You guys have a great day.

Sometimes I think "Why do people lose heart so quickly?"

Why don't they believe in themselves?

Why do they think about loosing?

Why don't they think? "yes we can"

But wait.....

I was also a discouraged boy. I didn't believe in myself either.

I remember, I was in college and my principal called me to the office. When I was in front him , he said:

"Speech contest arrised in whole city and I have selected you, from the whole college. I hope you live up to my expectations."

And he also said

"You will not deny me now....go and prepare yourself for it."

When I left the office, my friends said to me what happened, what did the principal say to you?

I told about the whole conversation to my friends. And they laughing on me and said "you will speak in front of"

I was even more upset when I heard this from my friends. When I got home I thought about it a lot.

At last I decided that I will forbid the principal tomorrow. Because I can't do that. I thought I have never been alone in a school assembly. How can I speak in front of everyone?

In the next day, I enter the principal office and principal said:

I was going to call you, take this paper your speech is written on it.

I said sir I want to tell you that ...... I can't do that coz I don't have confidence ,you keep someone else please.

Principal said:

I could also select more students from all over the college, do you know why I selected you? Coz you can do heart says you will do this...

He said: take this speech and remember it orally. It has only 3 to 4 pages.

I grab the speech and came from the office.

I took two days to prepare the speech but when I stood in front of the mirror and read, i forgot.

I cried a lot,

Next day,principal said read the speech Orally in front of me. But I was stuck.

Principal said you can do it

Days passed and the day of speech came. When I was called on stage, I was scared but I was telling myself ,yes you can do it.

I was on stage, I started reading the speech,I read very well, but suddenly I forgot in the middle. A few second passed my principal stood up and started clapping. At that time, I continue my speech and after all when my speech end , I went to my place and sat down.

After some time,when the result announced and said

"Ayaan got 2nd position"

And I was shocked that I got 2nd position in whole city. My principal was very happy. And yes all this reward goes to my principal. They did not let me lose. They told me you could do it. They didn't let me down.

It's been 6 years. Even today , my shield lies in his office.

Now I'm a botanist، I have full confidence in myself. It's not like I'm too brave. But I do not give up in any situation because I believe in myself.


I know you are physically and emotionally drained. Many people will humilate you but you will not give up. I know you're tired but please never lose hope. Stay patient, keep a positive attitude and don't give up. No one can beat you but you only fail, if you stop trying. If you tired, do it tired but don't lose hope.

Yes!! You can do it.....

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3 years ago
