I'm here to tell you about your human right to transact freely, in the currencies of your choice.

I call it "freedom of transaction", and it is missing from places where we ought to find, like the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Freedom of transaction would give citizens the right to transact freely in the currency of their choice, including cryptocurrencies and tokens. Individual freedoms such as the below should be extended by freedom of transaction in EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and UNDHR.

  • @btcfork, 12 October 2019

I believe that the lack of an explicit right in this instance is intentional. Either way, I think one can show that it has serious implications.

The first time I really saw the financial system attempt to take overt influence to curtail peoples' civic and political freedom world wide was with the Wikileaks financial embargo a.k.a. as the Banking Blockade.

Public donations to Wikileaks for the purposes of their journalistic activities were blocked by U.S. financial institutions, apparently to suppress evidence of war crimes committed by the U.S. administration.

A handful of US finance companies cannot be allowed to decide how the whole world votes with its pocket.

  • Wikileaks, 28 June 2011

As we know, this saga isn't over yet, with the continued imprisonment of Julian Assange in the United Kingdom, under circumstances which have been good

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