Current status of the river near my house

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1 year ago
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Place and name of the river :

My home is Jessore Khulna Bangladesh My country home is Chatiantala. I live in a village, there is a very beautiful river near my house, but two rivers near my house are managed by another three to four villages under one government. This river has a very beautiful name that is Kaikhali Baur.

But the river near my house where I played a lot of sports as a child, where I bathed and caught a lot of fish, is now in a very sad state. Because the current condition of the river is very dire and there is no water in the river.

I think back to my childhood and remember what a river once was, what a river it is becoming now, the river has dried up completely. And when it rains a lot, the river is full of water, but the worst thing is that there is a lot of garbage in the river.

Which in our country has become a very serious obstacle in proper river management. Because every river in Bangladesh is in such an unfortunate condition. The river is not running like that.

Current status of the river :

I said a little earlier that there is not much water in the river because now people do not cultivate fish in this river and people do not use the water of this river. Due to which this river is now abandoned there was a time when the river used to release a lot of fish and fish farmers used to cultivate fish in this river with great interest.

But now that is not possible because now due to various political reasons this river is now abandoned river dried up and there is a lot of littering in this river which is very disturbing to see.

Earlier, a lot of people used to fish and bathe in this river but this is not possible now because there is not much water in the river and there is a lot of mud which makes it itchy when you go into the river. Abundant garbage and garbage has declared the river as dirty and abandoned.

However, if the government manages the river properly, it can be re-managed and fish farming is possible.

Kaikhali Baur is the reason for such a situation :

This river was not like this before a large number of people depended on this river and depended their livelihood on fishing. Even I have caught a lot of fish in this river though it is not possible anymore.

But this river was not like that once upon a time a large number of people used to fish in this river and earn their living. And this river had plenty of water and flowed.

But the reason why this river is in such bad condition is because of some local political parties and some village people. This river was managed by some political parties and some villages but not with each other.

Due to which due to conflict of mind and political reasons this river has been lost from the government now this river has been officially declared abandoned. This land is now under three to four villages, which is why the current condition of this river is so bad.

Because it is natural that the river is not cultivated, the river is not running, the river must be in such a condition that is why it is really sad to see the current condition of the river.

But I wish that very soon this river will come under some fishermen again and this river will be active again. And most of all I want to create an atmospheres.

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1 year ago
