Truth about Bad Breath and Symptoms

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2 years ago
Topics: Health

Bad breath or halitosis is a problem everyone has had at some time or another. No one really escapes this inevitable event. Bad breath is notoriously caused by certain foods - for instance, garlic, onions and some fish - and by diets rich in fat and meat. When these foods are digested, the smelly metabolites pass to the lungs where they are exhaled. It is not contagious, meaning you cannot catch it from someone else. Chronic bad breath, known as halitosis, does not come from the stomach.

This horible smell and sour tongue may be symptoms of a larger problem. It is known as a common health problem in the society tday. Offenssive smell from the mouth may be due to various reasons. Bad breath is frequently mentioned in Jewish scripture "The Talmud" stating that if you were a "Cohen" (a priest) you couldn't perform holy duties on the Temple if he had a unpleasant smell from his mout

Bad breath (halitosis) can cause embarrassment, create social and psychological barriers, and even affect marriages. The majority of this problems begin in the mouth. It can be caused by something as simple as the fact that your kitty just polished off a can of tuna. Your cat should not, however, have long bouts of having this stinking smel

Bad breath home remedies can help you find a cure for that. It is pretty common but can be fixed with some simple home remedies. There is no need to offend those you care about with foul smelling breat

This condition typically occurs when bacteria build up on your gums, tongue, teeth or other areas of your mouth and it comes from the intestine

Bad breath is also associated with sinus infections because nasal discharge from your sinuses into the back of your throat can cause mouth odor. A child with this symptoms may have a foreign object lodged in his or her nos

Bad breath also may occur in people who have an infection, gum disease, diabetes, kidney failure, or a liver malfunction. Xerostomia (dry mouth) and tobacco also contribute to this problem. Having this disorder can make you the source of ridicule, branding you as "dragon breath" or "dog breath.

Come to think of it, almost any noun paired with the word "breath" is a potential bad breath insult. However, it may be temporarily reduced by using a hydrogen peroxide rinse. Hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of 1.5% can be taken as an oral antiseptic by gargling 10 ml, about two teaspoons

When your breath stinks is caused by odor-producing bacteria that grow in the mouth. When you don't brush and floss regularly, bacteria accumulate on the bits of food left in your mouth and between your teeth. Bad Breath is very closely related to post- nasal drip, excess mucus, sinus problems, your tonsils, and tonsilolith

This disorder or Halitosis is due to bacteria in the mouth breaking down proteins to Volatile Sulphur Compounds that smell. These bad breath sulphur compounds are actually the waste products from the bacteri

Bad breath tends to be noticed by other people first, and it may be difficult for them to tell you that you have it without embarrassing them or you. You may therefore have to rely on a close friend or family member to tell you that you have bad breat

It is an embarrassing situation that many people encounter. One may feel that if they are brushing and flossing there is nothing they can do aside from breath spray and mints to, at best, camouflage the odor. Bad breath is a result of sulfur gas created from the breakdown of proteins found in food. Bad breath and smoking can still be cured. But for the meantime, try to use certain mouthwashes to freshen your breath after smoking. h.a.s. .".e.s.h.l.h.breath after smoking.

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2 years ago
Topics: Health
