New Year's Eve - Memories

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2 years ago

Hello wonderful people of, how are you feeling today? I hope excellent. Sorry for taking so long to update you, I just got back from traveling and I'm a little tired, I slept a lot haha.

Friday, December 31st

Our New Year's Eve's have always been similar, we make a delicious dinner and share with our family.

Years ago, when my father had a car, we used to travel a lot to Puerto la Cruz, since it is very close to Cumaná we visited my father's family a lot. At that time his family lived in Puerto la Cruz.

It is normal in my family to spend December together, it can be with my father's family or my mother's family. I had explained this before, if on December 24 we were in Cumaná, on December 31 we would be in Puerto la Cruz; if on December 24 we were in Puerto la Cruz, on December 31 we would be in Cumaná. Every year was the same, we spent December with my father's and mother's family.

But one day the car stopped working and it became really difficult for us to repair it, we still have the car, but we have not been able to repair or sell it.

So that made us stop traveling to Puerto la Cruz.

I started living in Puerto la Cruz before the car stopped working, so my parents traveled to share with me and the family.

When we no longer had a car my parents came to Puerto la Cruz from time to time by bus, but it was very complicated. Cash became scarce, there was not much transportation, my parents had to wait a long time under the sun to catch a bus, so they had to stop traveling.

Although my parents still have a lot of energy to do all kinds of things, it is better that if they are going to travel they do it in a more comfortable way and not waiting too long at a bus stop to leave in a bus in terrible conditions.

For this and much more I am the one who travels to visit them, now I have more free time, so I can go whenever I want, but of course, I must have money. Before I used to travel every weekend because cash was not complicated, then I had a job where I didn't have much free time, so I started to travel every month, but there was a moment when I didn't have time or money, I worked a lot and they paid me little, besides it was complicated to have cash, so I traveled 2 or 3 times a year. It was really bad.

Even though I don't have a job right now, I have had money thanks to, I have free time and the cash problem is not so problematic. What is my problem now? Ok, to travel I need money for the ticket and to pay some things in the place where I live, so first I have to pay everything before traveling, because I don't know how many days I will stay with my parents. As I'm working with, I have to take my laptop to my parents' house, but sometimes I'm really afraid that it will be stolen in the street, so I try not to travel a lot, but at least I travel 1 or 2 times a month and on important dates, like birthdays.

Despite all these changes we have lived through, we always have time for the family, we always want to be with the family and... What better time to share than Christmas and New Year's Eve?

These are the dates where we share the most, on December 24 we spend it with Luis' family (my couple), as I have already mentioned in several articles, and on December 31 we spend it with my parents and my mother's family. My father's family has left the country, so it will be really difficult to share with them again.

These days are days of much sharing, when the new year arrived we called my brother by video call to greet him and also share with him. My brother is in another country so he spent these holidays working or with his new friends, he can no longer be with the family because we are far away, but we always communicate and share, it is as if he is always by our side.

I would like to share Christmas and New Year's with him again. I would love to have a little more money to go to Spain with my parents, my grandmother and Luis to share with my brother, I hope I can do that soon, so I will be all year working very hard on and on some projects I have in mind, soon I will tell you about them.

Remember that not only these dates are to share and love your relatives, we have to do this every day not only on holidays. Remember that there is always someone who loves and supports you, even if you don't know it. Have a happy day my beloved reader, thank you for reaching the end of my article, soon I will be uploading the part of the 31st that I enjoy the most, sharing with my family, eating and laughing with them.

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See you in the next article! ❤️ 

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Greetings from Venezuela😊❤️

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Written by
2 years ago


Enjoy every moment with loved ones. This is what I learned in this pandemic. Life is so short. Time flies so fast. Take care, dear.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you very much for your beautiful comment. It's like that, every second with the family counts, every second is important to keep on living. Take care of yourself too, we don't know how long we will be alive.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy new year.

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2 years ago

Happy New Year 2022

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2 years ago