🪥 brush your teeth and scrape your tongue 3-4 times to help stimulate your body. The tongue is like your feet. It actually connects to the rest of the body. So stimulating the tongue stimulates the rest of your body.

🧘🏻‍♂️rebound or do some active yoga to move your lymph.

🍋 drink 8-10 oz of room temperature water and add lemon and lime and a pinch of sea salt. The sea salt adds much needed electrolytes to the body.

🥄 oil pulling. Swish around a teaspoon of sesame oil for 5 mins. Can also use coconut oil. both are antibacterial but coconut oil is a saturated fat so not as healthy for some depending on your genetics.

🖐dry brushing to improve your bodies ability to eliminate toxins.

🧎‍♀️time alone to journal, read, mediate and or deep breathe.

Small things daily = huge results

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@ArkLis posted 2 years ago
