Small business idea and future

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Avatar for Arifa4824
3 years ago

Small business idea


Business ideas in the near future

1. Makeup or decoration

Decorations or makeup has become an essential part of both men and women at weddings, festivals and other occasions.

You can also work with this service online for a few years for offline and different issues according to the order

From product sales to customer service, you can provide services through your organization. Own organization as a trusted organization

As the acceptance increases, the door of a new possibility will open for you and the organization.

2. Home relocation support organization:

Every month or every day many people change their homes in all parts of the country including Dhaka city but where can they find faithful people

They have to find out which organization or with whom they will do this work. But in the case of relocation service assistance

Your organization can also reach people very easily through online.

People order online for your work and your organization does it for free without any hassle.

3. Laundry

The people of this busy city of Dhaka have to face many problems starting from washing clothes to ironing.

Your organization can also start working with online laundry services, area-based or city-wide. In this way, people will be able to take service sitting at home.

4. Rent a car

We have to rent a car at different times to get to different parts of the country, but if there is an online car rental system

And you can rent a car of your choice and come to Dhaka from outside Dhaka or from another city for your work, but how?

Only a trusted company can easily provide car booking service to people from any part of the country to avail this service online.

5. Computer servicing and electric or electronics service

Who wants to go to the store for a problem with their home computer or laptop in a busy city with traffic jams,

But there is no trusted online organization that can confidently tell them to take me home with my PC or laptop service from my home.

The best service your organization can offer, if you can give the service well and make it popular

If you can, a great business will start. Also need a variety of electrical or electronics accessories to build or move.

And after you need to provide services, people can easily get those services or products through your online site.

6. Photography and event management:

Is it possible to have no photography at weddings or events? Never possible. Now most of the orders for photography are online.

If you are a good photographer, you can make a website for your organization and

Your photography profession is popular through online sites and you can start taking orders through online sites.

In addition, any organization can also provide event management services.

. Food Order Service:

At weddings or different occasions people want to serve different fun food to the guests, your organization makes that fun food

And can serve with orders. Or food from various reputable food stores can be delivered to your organization at such events as per the order.

. Office decoration and interior design

Your organization can provide the service of designing beautiful interior of the office and your organization can take the order online.

In addition, you can have flower tubs with trees or various necessary things for the decoration of different offices with the services of your organization.

Your organization will provide services for various office tubs with beautiful ornamental trees and maintain them every few days.

9. Various office stationery items:

The office takes everything from paper to pens and various other necessary stationery items,

Your organization can take orders for those products from different offices online and deliver them.

10. Raw market

Traffic congestion is a major problem in Bangladesh and at the same time the people of our country are constantly busy with their workplaces,

People in the elite areas of Dhaka city are very busy and in those areas there is a raw market from people through online

Orders can be taken and home delivery can be made to the customer.

11. Furniture Products:

Many people have a lot of thoughts and desires about home furniture and its design.

Various established furniture dealers can set up e-commerce sites with furniture. If anyone wants to buy furniture by looking at it online

However, you can buy or go to the store and order online.

12. Travel Services:

Leaving the mechanics of the city, many people want to travel to different places in the country and abroad, but when and how to travel easily,

Where to stay and all the help needed during the journey. And for this, it is about online travel

You can use the site to provide services. So that if you select the travel service online in different places

And by paying later people can easily go around with the help of your organization.

Hotels and resorts can also be booked online in advance if anyone wants to travel on their own.

13. Kitchen items

An e-commerce site can be set up with a variety of kitchen products, only kitchen and kitchen utensils and

Buyers can order and buy books on this subject on this site.

14. Daily necessities:

The hawker that goes through the DIS, the internet or the morning magazine or the dairy products that many people need at home later in the day.

But where to find someone for this service, or to find a trusted organization is a big challenge.

If you want you can create a brand to give these services to the people of the city. People will order at your organization online

And your organization will provide that service. In addition, if you ever need to paint the house later, the company can also provide that service by ordering online.

15. Men's product:

Your company can also start selling online only with all the men's clothing and accessories needed online.

This will make your organization different from many other online sites.

16. Women's clothing

Many women can create their own brands online and sell different products if they want to have women's clothing and essentials.

Many women in Bangladesh are already doing this kind of business online.

16. Old books

Many times after the need for a lot of old books, again many want to sell old books.

If you wish, you can start this challenging business online and also sell various well-known magazines.

16. Shopis:

Many people like beautiful showpieces to decorate the house. So if you want to work with beautiful products,

But you can sell showpieces to people online through your organization.

19. Pharmacy and medical products

After every day people need a variety of medications, there are a number of medications that are not readily available and a variety of medical checkups

This requires a lot of medical products in daily life. Online with these products

Through you can also create your e-commerce site to take buyer's orders.

20 Sports equipment

If there is an online site with a variety of sports products for those who want to buy this product, or many foreign sports products.

Which is not easily available in the country, can be an excellent online shopping site for them.

21. Bicycle and motorcycle parts

Many people can work online with different parts of bicycle or motorcycle which are somewhat uncommon.

Many people need to buy a lot of parts and then many people don't know where to find them,

Shopping sites can be a great solution in those cases.

22. Lift service:

There are constantly new houses in our country and most of the houses now use elevators to go upstairs.

In case of selling or maintaining the lift, work can also be started with good online-offline service.

23. Gift items:

At weddings, people have to give different kinds of gifts in different occasions, but suddenly what kind of exceptional thing

You can't just pay, you can start your online business with just gift items.

24. Review Service:

Different types of product reviews, writing on different topics are needed by e-commerce merchants at different times.

So if you can write well, you can work on your article online through your own site.

25. Fish and cattle meat delivery service

You may be too busy to go to the market to buy fish or meat,

But if there are any online shops that will only deliver different types of fish and meat according to your order,

So how is it? If an organization thinks it is possible to provide such a service to them, it would be a great initiative if they try their best.

it's also business related article you can read this.

$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @UsmanAusman
Avatar for Arifa4824
3 years ago


Very useful info.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very good idea for start a business.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article by you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You have given a useful and very good idea

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes it is.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

your idea i like my dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

welcome dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

These are nice ideas thanks

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Welcome dear.

$ 0.00
3 years ago