Reasons of having a lower valued article in read cash

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3 years ago

Are you also wondering why some of your article received lower rewards from read cash? Did you asked yourself why some of your articles were being rewarded a lot but some were not or sometimes nothing at all? Though I’m pretty sure that all of you are already aware of it yet in this article yours truly will give some of my observation base from my previous work and experience for almost three months of being part of this site.

There are bunch of reasons why your articles were being rewarded fewer than what you expected. Some of which are listed and explained below. Please do take note that these reasons are personally observed and evaluated base from the experience of the author.

Read Cash Rules:

Alright, either we admit it or not some of us doesn’t care about the rules in fact, there are people who recklessly joined an organization or a group without even asking or reading the basic rules. As far as I remember, read cash rules are just the same with any other platforms which doesn’t promote any unwanted behavior or posting anything illegal based from the European union. The rules explicitly explained that you must not write anything that attacks other people.

The next rule is the reading time, well I’m not quite sure if it still applicable but as far as I remember, the preferred reading time for each article must be 3 mins for it to be rewarded not to mention how interesting your article is. For me you should at least write a five-minute article, so that’s it for the rules if you want to read learn more about it, might as well search for it.

Content of the article:

Here’s the real thing, according to read. Cash bot, if it does not understand the way you write your article, then it might not be rewarded so, you should at least try to create an article in English language so that it can be rewarded fairly.

The next one is how interesting your article is, if it is less interesting, well the more reason for it not to be rewarded at all. The random rewarder clearly explained that if you write something very interesting or something that caught its attention then you might be rewarded according to how excellent your work was. The question is, what are you going to write so that you can impress the random rewarder?  Well basically, you can write anything as long as you don’t break the rules. Base from my observation and experiences some of the topics that interest the community is about psychology, superstitious belief or something creepy, all about cryptocurrency, success, struggles and almost everything under the sun. You can write anything you want its all up to you and your skills in writing on how are you going to present a wonderful and meaningful content of your article. Personally, a story of success and all about cryptocurrency are most rewarded articles in here.


Probably this is at the list of my concern but you should at least consider submitting your articles in a community because other users are also allowed to upvotes articles that caught their hearts. Just make sure to abide the community’s rules.

By the way, checking your grammars, spelling and jargons might be a big help. Though I didn’t apply it in my case all the time.

A Tip:

Always include your topics, submit it to a community where it suits the most, include lead images, and make sure you write it with all your heart. For me random rewarder’s tip is just secondary reward, because the way we deliver and share our opinion to everybody so that they can be warned or it feeds their curiosity then later learn from it is the best way to reward an author. Probably for the majority our topics are not necessary but someone can and will appreciate it and will definitely learn from it and that’s for me.

When you write, just be you as in you because this kind of platform is not just being used so that you can earn bitcoin cash but rather for you to learn something from a bunch of authors out there and improve way even more.


This is where I cut this article, thank you and I hope this help a little. With that I’ll end this with a saying by Samuel Johnson and I quote “A writer only begins a book. A reader finishes it”.


Note that this article is not proofreaded!

$ 1.24
$ 1.24 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
3 years ago
