Why your child should read "Harry Potter"

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Reading is a good habit. You, as a guardian should oversee that your child also have this habit of reading books. For that, you should start reading to your child from the very beginning.

First of all, a child need to imagine. A child should imagine the worlds. So, Harry Potter book series will help your child to imagine. It is mainly for children but this series of books liked by people of all ages. Mainly to improve the childs imagination power, it is undoubtedly a best set of books for your child.

Harry Potter series shows a true bonding of three friends. No matter what, they always be close and stick with each other. So a child gets a very good grip of how to preserve a friendship. And also it will help your child to mix with other children.

Not only friendship, it teaches a whole bunch of good habit. Perseverance, trying hard, importance to others, teamworks etc. So isn’t it a good thing for your child? Think it.

Emotions are also important for a human being. Especially for a child who is growing and improving his emotions well. It will help to react in a sad moment. He will be happy too. It will help your child to learn a great aspects of its life

We live in the era of technology. Even i am telling you by a technology. But we need to come out of the square screens. Let us imagine great things. Let us see the world. Let us imagine how wonderful the world of books is. It will be a step stone to enter the world of creatives. So, it is rather important then a phone or device

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I loved Harry Potter as a kid. Even now, I have re-read the series. Even better was the Stephen Fry audiobooks. It was my introduction to the world of reading, something that sticks to this day.

While it is a Children's book, Adults can also enjoy it; the core message seems to revolve around love and compassion and how love conquers all.

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3 years ago

Usually, I know who read Harry Potter books are those who are more active in school. At the age of 13 they can become a writer in Wattpad or in Campus newspaper.

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3 years ago