Syrian Army and Russian Air Forces are Destroying NATO's Al Qaeda Posts in Idlib

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Avatar for ArabiSouri
1 year ago
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The Syrian Arab Army's artillery and the Russian fighter jets are destroying the backbone of NATO-sponsored Al Qaeda in their 'last stronghold' in Idlib, northwest of Syria.

In their coordinated bombing, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria are bombing the command centers, weapons and ammunition depots, drones warehouses and assembly workshops, and the fortified shelters of the NATO Turkey-sponsored Al Qaeda Levant (aka HTS - Nusra Front) in Idlib after the latest escalation by the terrorists.

More than 60 terrorists are confirmed eliminated, some of them are top commanders, and dozens of others are injured in the relentless day and night air and surface-to-surface missile bombing of the terrorists' posts since the 23rd of the month when the terrorists started bombing Syrian towns and villages in the countryside of Hama and Latakia.

The recent escalation of terrorist attacks by the NATO proxy forces in Idlib against the Syrian people came as the Turkish delegation in Moscow was renewing their commitment to withdraw their army and terrorists from northern Syria within the Astana Framework which the Turks have delayed implementing since September 2018.

Instead of implementing the agreement signed by them before the presidents of Russia and Iran who would act as the guarantors for the agreement, the Turkish regime of madman Erdogan has beefed up his forces of the Turkish Army and Al Qaeda's plethora of terrorist groups in northern Syria.

In the 3rd week of this month, the Turks renewed their commitment to withdraw their forces from northern Syria, and again, instead of withdrawing their forces, the Turkish Army and Al Qaeda terrorists, and cutting off their supply lines, the terrorists escalated their attacks using artillery, grad missiles, and drones against the Syrian people!

More about these developments and a timeline of the events since the 23rd of June in this report: Syrian and Russian Armies Decimate Al Qaeda Posts in Idlib. (link in bio)

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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Avatar for ArabiSouri
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Story, Blogging, ...


I hope this kind of problem will be over. There are lots of innocent people are being affected with this conflict.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's way overdue all those terrorist groups are eliminated, I don't understand why Syria has to accept giving the Turks more time, they are 5 years late on implementing Idlib agreement, even if Russia and Iran want to help Erdogan, haven't they helped him enough?!

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1 year ago