Now it's a challenge to increase points in But it's very interesting process and enjoyable work. Though it feels boring sometimes.
Firstly it's very important to increase subscribe in our account.
Secondly we write articles and post in our account.
Thirdly we have to like and comment with each other article.
It is very easy process to earn money. It's like other social media. It's a cool environment where we can earn money by writing articles and liking and commenting. I am very happy to create an account in this interesting website.
Fourthly we can refer it with our friends and it also helps us to get points.
Fifthly if we write well, we can get prize money by others. They can encourage our by giving money.
Atlast I can say it's very simple and interesting process to earn money by increase points.
Thanks for the sharing such information about how to increase our point on read cash Please don't forget to subscribe me and upvote me