Love is just a mask (part-15)

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2 years ago

Article No.63


After waking up, Suraiya could not understand when she fell asleep again. She felt as if she had slept for a long time in night . Then when she wakes up she hears the birds chirping. Then she realized that it was morning.


Rahela Begum came to Suraiya's room with a cup of coffee, she also had some biscuits in her hand.

Rachel Begum said, Suraiya, have some coffee. How is the body now? Are you feeling better now?

She placed the biscuits in front of Suraiya while asking questions.

Suraiya replied, "Yes, mother, I feel better now." I'm better now than at night. However, there is a slight headache.


Rahela Begum said, eat biscuits. Rice is being cooked, I am giving rice after a while, take medicine after eating rice.

Suraiya thinks in her mind that it is time for her school, she has to go to school after eating rice, so little fever, a little medicine and water will be fine. What is the benefit of thinking so much? If you don't go to school one day, it will be difficult to understand reading the next day. Moreover, she is not absent from school without any serious reason. The fever does not go away for any serious reason! It is not uncommon for a person's body temperature to rise suddenly.

Moreover, Suraiya has heard that when a person is afflicted with a minor illness from time to time, the blessings of Allah are showered on him. And in this the small sins of the people are forgiven. Suraiya has a fever, it is not so much.

Suraiya said to her mother: Mom, cook rice quickly, I will eat and go to school. If you can't cook fast, school will be late.

Suraiya's mother was surprised to hear that her daughter had a fever and wanted to go to school. At night her daughter did not have a good knowledge of the fever, and now that she wants to go to school it is a matter of surprise.

Suraiya's mother said, "Let your fever go, then go to school." There is no need to go to school with such a weak body.


Suraiya still wanted to go school but her mother would not let her go to school.

Suraiya did not object to her mother's words, as her body was slowly warming up again. That means the fever is rising again. This is not a good sign.

Suraiya doesn't understand why her body fever is fluctuating so much. She feels very uncomfortable, now she wants to go to school and play with her girlfriend, but she is not going to school.

Many thanks to everyone for reading the story!

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2 years ago


As your heroine is sick, it is good to not attend school for now. First of all she should take care of her health, lol!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I miss many episodes of your story because I don't work regularly. I love hearing Suraiya's story.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You must be regular at work, If you wait then you will definitely get the next part.

$ 0.00
2 years ago