Worried about Points going Away? Earn More by Diversifying where you Post!

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Avatar for AntiSJWLeft
3 years ago

I am not ready to write an article about whether it was a good idea or a bad idea for this site to remove the points system. In fact, I have been doing alright since the change. However, I do want to point out that this type of change and uncertainty is the exact reason that any writer should always post in multiple locations.

In addition to Read.Cash, I also post regularly on Publish0x, and most of the time on Steemit and Hive as well. I've been blogging in crypto sites for about two and a half years now. I have seen Steemit rise to become a significant site, and then fall into a now broken community and hardfork with Hive. I remember when the STEEM currency was worth over $5. Now it is worth about $0.16. Things change quickly in the crypto world. Any smart writer will post in multiple places.

Publish0x works by allowing readers to tip writers for their articles. However, it is unique because the reader who gives the tip gets to keep part of it. Even better, the site pays for the tips themselves! The reader selects what percentage of the tip they want to keep for themselves between 0% and 80%. The site allows you to tip up to five times per day, and tips range in value from about 5 cents to about 1 cent. The tips are mostly paid in Ethereum and Basic Attention Token.

If you are a writer I highly recommend publishing on multiple sites. Publish0x is my favorite aside from Read.Cash, but Steemit and Hive are also worth looking into. I am less familiar with other options, but crossposting between sites will get you more money, and if anything happens to one site, you'll still have a copy of everything you've written. The world of Crypto changes quickly, and you never know when a website might fall apart, make a stupid change, or have some other problem.

I am curious to see how the recent changes on this site will work, but I am not too worried about it since I crosspost to so many sites. It is nice to know you have options, and I recommend you all reading this give yourself that same flexibility and safety.

For those who want to follow me: You can find me on Publish0x. The site is great, and you can cross post there to make more money than just posting on one site, so why not join? https://www.publish0x.com/@LeftAntiPC?a=pnel78MdKB&tid=rc

If you are reading this but are somehow not already a member of Read.Cash, follow this link to join: https://read.cash/r/AntiSJWLeft

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @Chubbie149
Sponsors of AntiSJWLeft
Avatar for AntiSJWLeft
3 years ago


Thanks for the info

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

I was worried at first but my earnings have actually increased since points have been dropped. Seems that well written articles will have higher value here from here on out.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I hope so, and I have gotten some good upvotes from the robot. However, I am not sure yet whether it will be better for most people. It might be, since spammers should not be getting any tips, leaving more for the rest of us. However, I am not sure what kind of articles the robot likes yet. I think this update will determine whether Read.Cash is better than Publish0x or not.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have made an account on pubkish0X and didn't approve my request of being an author,, please anyone tell me any legit site kr platform

$ 0.00
3 years ago

hmm did they reject it, or have they just not told you yet whether they will approve you as an author? If they did not approve you yet you just need to wait. If they rejected you they probably think your English writing isn't good enough.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

the request in in pending til now. so what can i do on publish0X if i cant write anything there?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have a hive and publishox but I cannot keep up with those sites, it seems my heart always settle on read cash anyway if this will fall (I hope not) I will still go and check those accounts in different crypto blogging. As for the earnings here, the bot is pretty cool, we just have to write something that will catch it's interest 😆

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Is there any surity that I sure get a money when I publish on publish on publish0x?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This guy posts a lot about his withdrawals. You can also find other people talking about or showing that they got money from the site. https://www.publish0x.com/btcsapiens/50th-publish0x-cashout-001226827-eth-xnlpwnp?a=pnel78MdKB&tid=rc

$ 0.00
3 years ago