When it Comes to Identity Politics Bernie Sanders has the Right Idea

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3 years ago

As we approach the 2020 election this is something Democrats need to keep in mind if they want to win! I wrote an article about this topic for the first time over a year ago, but I think it is more relevant than ever right now.

When you think "Bernie Sanders", you almost certainly think of Democratic Socialism, Social Democracy, and/or Progressivism. Regardless of whether you agree with any of those ideologies, you almost certainly do not think about the fact that Bernie is Jewish, non-religious, or likely an Atheist. That is because he has always consistently run on the issues, rather than on his identity.

Compare this with Hillary's "I'm with her" slogan. One reason Bernie Sanders is America's most popular politician is because he does not run on his identity. That doesn't mean he hides it, but he only brings it up when it is truly relevant, or when asked. He never said "Jews, vote for me because we can have the first Jewish president!" Throughout his whole career, he had railed against using identities to divide people. He has always talked about the importance of economic issues and bringing people together to solve problems that the vast majority of us face - like economic stagnation, low wages, and a sense that we can not move forward.

Bernie recognizes that the vast majority of people have common interests, and while we don't need to ignore that particular groups may suffer from particular issues, we should not run on traits that divide us. That simply leads to those issues that impact us all being ignored. https://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/bernie-sanders-democrats-identity-politics-231710

A Democratic Party in Bernie's image would not be focused on identity politics, the modern definition of social justice, or only the plights of certain people while shaming others. It would be an issue based party. Even if you dislike a lot of what Bernie stands for, our nation as a whole would be better off with an issues-based Democratic party. An issues focused Democratic Party would win more elections and appeal to voters who are currently turned away by its almost only social-issues based strategy.

This is an idea I am sure I will expand on more in upcoming articles I write. Right now, I just wanted to throw this out there because I have met a ton of people who seem to think that Bernie supporters are all SJWs who oppose free speech and embrace 4th wave feminism. In reality, most of the SJWs went for Hillary, even though she was less progressive, because they place so much of an emphasis on identity.If somebody prioritizes identity politics over economic policies they will end up almost blindly supporting somebody who could be the first female president over someone with better, and more developed, economic ideas. In 2020 a lot of the SJWs supported Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, and to a lesser degree Elizabeth Warren.

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3 years ago


Your post is very good. I liked it very much

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article keep up posting

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Don't get all slippery with your words, now, needs and wants are very different things. <insert funny emoticon here, because that's a joke and I'm on a PC>

$ 0.00
3 years ago

yeah true

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think what he says is mostly right. He is wrong on certain things for sure. For some he has his heart in the right place but they are too much to achieve.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

As we approach the 2020 election this is something Democrats need to keep in mind if they want.

And if they don't? j/k, but you might want to edit to fix that.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ah true! That's a good catch.

I mean I guess they only have to do it if they want, so it wasn't technically wrong lol

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Don't get all slippery with your words, now, needs and wants are very different things. <insert funny emoticon here, because that's a joke and I'm on a PC>

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

nice to see a fellow educated bernie supporter here will defiantly follow you o n publishOx. feel the burn

$ 0.00
3 years ago