My Thoughts on Minds "Free Speech" Social Media Site

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3 years ago is certainly a unique site in this day and age. When I first considered signing up for Minds I was a bit concerned about how I would be received there - the site is known for having a lot of Right-Wing politics. Was I about to walk into an alt-right circlejerk? 

Minds is pro-free speech social media site, and aside from Gab, has probably attracted the most support from the right-wing of any such site. I don't inherently mind that (no pun intended), but I am looking for potentially enlightening conversations, and political bubbles don't tend to lend themselves to that. However, one day I decided to take the plunge at just see what the site has to offer. To my own mild surprise, I have found myself going back to it nearly everyday over the first few weeks. So what have I found that is so interesting to me?

Although the site certainly leans Right, you will truly find people of every political stripe on the site. I have found the alt-right, but I've also found Socialists, Social Democrats, Centrists, Anarchists, and Libertarians. It is a fantastic variety of people, all brought together by the promise of free speech and anonymity. It is finally a chance to share all of the thoughts we have, whether they are politically correct or not - and let's keep it real, we all have some beliefs that are not totally PC. 

Today it occurred to me that what I really like about the site is that its rewards system and general setup lends itself to *discussion* rather than just upvotes or downvotes. Unlike Facebook there aren't a bunch of different reactions to dismiss those you disagree with, or a way to just report them. Instead, the culture is such that if you have a problem with somebody, you handle it like an adult. You either move on, or you leave a comment with your point of view. This has led to a lot of interesting conversations over the past few weeks. As long as you aren't easily offended, I'd recommend checking the site out! Even with my left-leaning politics I don't really need to care if I piss some people off, since I'm not going to get banned or "cancelled" anyway. It's a nice feeling. 

With that said, I would not recommend it as strongly as I do Read.Cash or Publish0x. The userbase over the past few months seems to be learning even more strongly right-wing than previously, leading to it becoming closer to a bubble. With that said, I can still say whatever I want, and if people get pissed off it's their problem. Still, you can find some scary people on there, especially in regards to people who seem to believe every conspiracy theory they can think of. Every website has those people, but Minds has a higher percentage than other sites.

You can certainly earn money on Minds, but it is harder than Read.Cash or Publish0x from what I have seen. People can donate Bitcoin or Ethereum, or the site's own token system, but it seems less common, and it is harder to add or withdraw funds than many other sites are.

Mind's popularity and Alexa rank have fallen a lot in the past year, so it seems to be becoming less popular, despite still having some unique positive traits.

Overall, I would give Minds a 5/10 ranking, but I would still recommend it for those who strongly want a pro-freedom of speech website.

For those who want to follow me: You can find my account on Publish0x. The site is great, and allows you to earn in cryptos like Ethereum for both reading and writing. You can cross post there to make more money than just posting on one site, so why not join?

If you are reading this but are somehow not already a member of Read.Cash, follow this link to join:

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3 years ago


How can I withdraw my earning from minds

$ 0.00
1 year ago

With what's happening right now regarding people complaining about the election results on Twitter, these big tech alternatives (Gab, minds, will grow in a near future.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree, and I think the left is making a mistake trying to silence those voices. I think Biden absolutely won, and it wasn't even that close, but at the same time just censoring people does not change their minds. If anything they just go on sites that are right-wing bubbles and become more stuck in their beliefs.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Nice article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's cooperative write up

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very nice

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article, thanks for sharing.

$ 0.00
User's avatar ico
3 years ago