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2 years ago

I gotta be honest here with y'all. I shouldn't be writing this now, or be conscious for that matter. But as it's been so long since my last article and because not writing is only gonna lead to my brain having the opportunity to eeh.... you know... think. And at this point when my brain starts to think it's gonna come to conclusions and stuff that quite frankly i don't want to even consider possible, let alone find them undeniable and inescapable.

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Whooffff... reading my title again I can't help but laugh. In my head i hear some tell the joke "Do you know about that title that was once voted worst title for attracting readers an article can have? Well, it exists"

(Bedum Tssssshhh)

But for those who are expecting me to be having a depression, or a broken heart, it is my great pleasure to disappoint you. The source of this weird down because I'm not down state of my mind right now is the fact that I've discovered, and confirmed through scientific method, that I exponentially care less and less. I hardly give a shit about anything anymore.

Weirdly enough I appear to care a great deal about that. Yes I care about not caring about anything anymore. A lot actually. It really makes me profoundly sad, and the less there is I care about, the more I want to care about things. I want to care but i don't. How f*ck*d up is my brain? Dayum. What's even worse is that if I'd read any one else write the previous paragraph anywhere, I'd be disgusted and I'd hate the author's ass passionately.

Now to me this sounds like something that I should investigate further and try to find the reason for it happening. But I honestly don't care one bit about what the reason is that is causing this. And me not caring about what is causing me to not give about stuff anymore is something that is pissing me off even more than not caring anymore.

Still glad you've decided to read this article?

So to stop myself from going nutz (what nutz? DEEEEZ NUTZZ!!!) thinking about how much i do or don't care about stuff I have developed and implemented a genius tactical strategy for operational purposes. Which is keeping my brain busy with.... anything... Until i pass out. When I then wake up again I'll have at least a couple of hours in which I can't even remember that this is happening and at best (hopefully) be "cured" from the not caring if I care a lot or not scare.

Yeah I know, that didn't rhyme right, but i don't care.

Something that does seem to matter to me, I just found out before starting this article, is that besides my kid no one actually seems to give a flying f&*#k whether or not I care. If i were to contemplate on that, I would come to the possible conclusion that popped into my head when i started typing this paragraph but now that i need to describe it and actually type it, I've forgotten completely.

Which is kind of awkward in its own right, as it would render all but one paragraph in this article useless and at most a complete and total pointless waste of time and effort.

Shucks. Why don't i pass out like a normal human being?

The last time i woke up from sleeping was Sunday morning, and i chugged down my last bottle of south African wine over 5 hours ago. I've activated the hangover cheatcode half an hour after that (1000mg of Paracetamol and 1,5 liters of water) but somehow "I am... surprisingly.... awake". And you guessed it, I find that way more funny than i should yeah.

(i knooooow, right?)

Any way, let's think about what I can write about today that is not going to make you, the reader, want to feel your braincells commit suicide one by one. Yup that sentence made me cringe as well!)

Well one thing that comes to mind is the steady and consistent drop in the BCH price. Almost exactly $100 down over the past 30 days. Not only that but the last three weeks of December the crypto markets performed inversely proportional to what i had predicted and expected it to. No end of the year rally towards the CHRISTmas holidays, no one week of sideways movement before the New Year bear market start.

Nope nothing even close. Just an average steady consistent drop in the 5-10% range. And nothing else, which i think has never happened before. At least it feels like something that's never happened before. And i know i should..........

SENZJOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!! Ladies and Gentlemen I have an announcement to make. I hereby declare I have accepted Fred Janssen, or SenZjo, as the highest and truest God in the Universe!

Now you're asking who the... what the.... why the....

And i'm gonna tell you, probably motivated to do so by the lack of sleep which i unsuccessfully compensated with an abundance of wine. SenZjo just sent a tweet:

Which means that whatever's gonna happen with my caring problem, which I don't care about, I'm now gonna go to bed, sleep, and then when I wake up somewhere after noon on Wednesday, him and me is gonna have us a nostalgic good time! And I know that any mental knot that formed in my brain over the past months/years, is going to be untied and solved by the time i go to the food bank on Friday!

Ah there is the whatsapp from him, asking me to come over to pickup my wallet which i left there yesterday. Nice, but too late. Stores are closed by 20.00 here due to the lockdown. But it's the thought that counts.


Soo apologies to those who read this article expecting an interesting read with an actual topic, start, middle and ending, for leaving them with the question if this article even qualifies as coherent. Just know that writing it was actually more fun than i should have felt it was. It helped me!

Thank you for reading this!

Stay safe and stay happy!


$ 12.68
$ 12.56 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Jane
$ 0.03 from @Eybyoung
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2 years ago


Well I guess I solved my curiosity on why I shouldn't read your write up, nice article by the way and my regards to Fred.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Fred said "Groeten terug" which basicly is "give mine in return". Thanks!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah reading articles of different member is a good job . because by this job you get different information and some time you get amazing fact which you didn't hear...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I still read your article even it has a warning it🤣 HAHAHA

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That means a lot to me, Thanks.

Though i'm suddenly wondering.... I am deriving joy from people ignoring my warnings?? What does that say, and about what?

Nvm. that would be an article for the philosophy community i guess.. LOL!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank mah friend I hope you enjoy you're life too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha at least I still read it despite the warning 😂

$ 0.01
2 years ago

This may sound a bit overbearing but you have no idea how much joy that brings me. Thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago