This is goodbye. *crying now*

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Avatar for AnonSunamun
1 year ago

This will be, most probably, the last post I will put up on this site.

It pains me to say it, but the motivation for writing here, for me, is gone. And it's not the money, even though a majority of you will think so.

Why then?

I have a lot of articles on this site, and, thanks to the generosity of Mr. Marc DeMesel, received enough rewards to be life changing. Literally. I went from so deep in debt that even with the government debt help program it was assumed I'd not be able to be debt free before i died.


Now, not 2 years later, i am 2 months from being debt free and 5 months from having the debt restrictions rescinded and being free to make my own decisions financially like any other person. And without a doubt 90% of that miracle turnaround wouldn't have been possible without, Randy and @MarcDeMesel@MarcDeMesel

But neither Mr DeMesel or Randy were the reasons why i liked, no loved, posting on this site. It was YOU, and the community here on readcash.

The community was/is unique!

I mean, I've had discussions here in the comments about religion even, which were pretty heated, but still remained civil and respectful. At least in my perception.

I've thought a lot the past few weeks/months about what it was that made the community what it was. I have yet to come up with an answer that makes sense.

Not Perfect though

One of the less fortunate traits of posting articles here was that the articles in which you had put hours of research and editing and you thought were some of the best writing you'd ever done could just simply bomb, getting under 10 view, no comments and no reward. Then you put up something that you threw together in an hour with no effort at all, and you'd get hundreds of views, comments and A visit from Randy. And everyone that said they had figured out Randy's algo lies!

ChatGPT came just a couple of months too late... or something.

I Still think it's a shame about the timing for the demise and what will eventually be the shutdown of readcash. I think that it would not be an especially hard thing to figure out how to let an AI like ChatGPT3 or 4 take on the task of weeding out the scam, spam and copy paste articles, turning the AI from one of the causes for the site's doom into the salvation of the site and original content.

Matters no more

I guess it doesn't matter anymore at this point. The site's dead, or dying, and there's only a shadow of the community left stubbornly refusing to give up. Most have found other sites which pay (however laughably little that may be compared to for their articles and they're not coming back unless they know they can get better returns on their efforts than they are getting now.

I personally have more or less stopped writing and I'm certainly not posting anything anywhere. I have yet to come across anything even resembling readcash in ease of use and/or community that feels inviting and fun to be part of.

So for now, this is goodbye. I want, for one last time, express my humongous huge gratitude to the creator of readcash, @MarcDeMesel, Randy, my ex-sponsors, all the people that read my articles and or commented on them. My life and that of my Son would have been much more miserable and with far less bright futures without you!!!!

Stay safe and stay happy!


I still think it's a shame about the timing for the demise and what will eventually be the shutdown of readcash. I think that it would not be an esoescially hard thing to figure out how to let an AI like ChatGPT3 or 4 take on the task of weeding out the scam, spam and copy paste articles, turning the AI from one of the causes for the site's doom into the salvation of the site and original content.

I guess it doesn't matter anymore at this point. The site's dead, or dying, and there's only a shadow of the community left stubbornly refusing to give up. Most have found other sites which pay (howver laughably little that may be compared to for their articles and they're not coming back unless they know they can get better returns on their efforts than they are getting now.

I personally have more or less stopped writing amd i'm certainly not posting anything anywhere. I have yet to come across anything even resembling readcash in ease of use and/or community that feels inviting and fun to be part of.

So for now, this is goodbye. I want, for one last time, express my humongously huge gratitude to the creator of readcash, @MarcDeMesel, Randy, my ex-sponsors, all the people that read my articles and or commented on them. My life and that of my Son would have been much more miserable and with far less bright futures without you!!!!

Stay safe and stay happy!


$ 0.11
$ 0.05 from @Jane
$ 0.03 from @Eybyoung
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
+ 1
Sponsors of AnonSunamun
Avatar for AnonSunamun
1 year ago


Awww I know the feeling. But it's okay. When it's time to go it's time to go. And we can just come back from time to time if we feel like it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You can come back anytime Anon. You've always been a great friend of mine here. I am grateful for your kind words whenever I see you in my comment section. See you again. ♥️

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hey there! You've been a good adviser to me.. I just hope, can weed out AI generated articles so it won't be dump site for trash articles.

Goodbye and see you again my friend, you can always come back whenever you can though as long as the site exist! Take care always! ❤️

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That was difficult to do, to say goodbye to the platform who used to be your second home. I wish you all the best and I hope this is not yet the last time you will write here. I wish you could find the courage again to write here.

$ 0.00
1 year ago


$ 0.00
1 year ago