The best day since at least 2015!

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2 years ago
Topics: Community, Goals, Life, Happy, Joy, ...

anyone who knows my articles a little knows that when I write about myself, it usually isn't all that much of an upbeat, story of happy joy and bright optimism that you get to read. That's mainly because, well, the past decade or so held little in my life to inspire such themed stories for me to tell.

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This time though, I can truly say I am happy, and that I've spent this day with my son and had the best, and the happiest day since at least 2015!

We had some things to celebrate.

My son's birthday was last week, he turned 12, and he finished primary school the week before that. So yeah, that deserved something really special. Having a budget that is so low it should be called "no budget" instead of low budget, my options for things of this nature usually are not that numerous. This time though, through saving for the past 15 months, doing some trading with margin leverage that, looking back, could have gone sooooo wrong, and blowing the budget completely to smithereens that the coming week(s) are going to be culinary reminders of the hunger winter we had here in the Netherlands in the winter of '44-'45, I think I've managed to give him and myself a day together that we will both never ever forget.

My body is broken, everything causes pain, but fuck that; worth it!

Even typing this article is physically hurting with every single keystroke. I can't remember ever being this tired, my stomach acid is trying to come out of my stomach so bad my tongue is hurting, and my vision is blurred. But I just have to write this article, just in case I go to sleep and don't wake up anymore. I want to have a record of this and how I feel, so he can know how much he has, does, and will always mean to me. That, and I owe it to you guys to share a part of my life that is unambiguously happy and joyful.

So what did we do?

Well, i let him choose a day out, whatever he wanted. He came up with the idea of going to National War Museum Overloon, a huge collection of WWII everything that was actually started in 1944, right after the Battle of Overloon (right after operation Market Garden) with the vehicles and items that were found left on the battlefield.

I don't think I'll be able to finish this article tonight, i think I'm gonna pass out so I'll just share a lot of picz.

Faaak, this ain't gonna work. i ain't got the energy no more, and it hurts...

I apologize, but this is going to have to be a two-parter. I've just jump scared awake from the beeping of the computer, complaining of something or someone pressing several keys simultaneously for tooling (due to my face being planted on the keyboard).

just wanted to say that if it does come to pass i come to pass...

That today was the happiest day in my life since 2015 at least and probably even longer. If there ever was a day i can truly say that i'd die happy that WOULD seriously today.

I'm hoping, assuming and defiantly/stubbornly telling myself "shut up idiot, you're not gonna punch out, stupid" though and probably be back after an x amount of hours of sleep boring you with some more pictures and stories about today so. Goodnight (morning) to all a youz!

Aaaight, I'm out.

Stay safe and stay happy


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Avatar for AnonSunamun
2 years ago
Topics: Community, Goals, Life, Happy, Joy, ...


A day with your loved one is a day well spent. This is a cool way to celebrate his day, I bet he truly enjoyed it. Waiting for the part two of your adventure/s.

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2 years ago