Strategizing my doctor visit.

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Avatar for AnonSunamun
1 year ago
Topics: Short Story, Health, Doctor, Fear, Wounds, ...

Good thing I'm writing this article. It made me remember that I cannot go to the doctor tomorrow. My garden is being done from 07:00 and from 13:00 my house is getting cleaned....

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It is once again one of those periods that seems to go out of its way to work against me.

If I'd really think about it, I'd realize (probably) that the feeling is unfounded but that doesn't help for some reason.

It is probably the urgent visit to the doctor I need to make, sooner rather than later. I am afraid that... or rather know that, one of the ailments and discomforts is going to turn out to be... the big one. The one where the doc's gonna go: "You've got three months." or something to that effect.

Possible candidates for such an endgame diagnosis?

  • My obesity. For the first time in my life, I feel I am too fat.

  • My lack of stamina/energy. I can't even walk up more than one or two flights of stairs before I am gasping for breath like a beached whale.

  • The leg wounds. For over three months there are wounds on my legs that will not close, and therefore will not heal. I'm scared it is going to be skin cancer.

  • Increasing and prolonged times in which simply breathing in causes a "tickle" cough that ends up in a full-blown coughing fit during which breathing in is nearly impossible. Had several moments at which I thought: "This is it. Damn, I'm going to die behind my computer from a coughing fit. Didn't see that coming."

  • Pain in the lower back (between discs 4 and 5) is getting worse by the day. Sometimes a can't stand upright for 5 minutes or walk 100 meters before having to sit down a minute to let the pain lower back down.

  • The bad things I have done to my body since 1992 (like drugs, no sleep, bad eating habits, and so on) must have had their detrimental effects on my body right?

The last time I went to my doctor it was to request a stomach reduction or a gastric bypass. Both were refused to me by the insurance companies. Back then I was only partially motivated but I was still pissed that they effectively get to decide about my body and my health. Because effectively by denying me the insurance paying for the operations and the medical bills they're deciding I'm not going to have a gastric bypass or stomach reduction, ie. stay fat.

Well, tomorrow... Oh, no, on Tuesday when I'm with the doctor I am going to lay it all out and say "Hey. These are the issues I'm dealing with right now. They all appeared months after I was refused the help to lose weight, but I'm not saying that it was the cause of these problems. The only thing I know is that if nothing is done I'm going to die soon, and my son isn't ready for that. Neither am i. I need an intervention. Please.... intervene!"

And I'll see where the ship strands.

Thank you for reading this

stay safe and stay happy!


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Avatar for AnonSunamun
1 year ago
Topics: Short Story, Health, Doctor, Fear, Wounds, ...


My father always complaining about his backpain, but when we always asked him to go to the hospital for a check up, he always makes excuses and doesn't want to go..So, stay fit and healthy don't skip your check up.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I guess you also need some self-discipline 😅.. Stay fit for your son.

$ 0.01
1 year ago