Don't laugh, it could be the worse thing of your life!

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Avatar for AnonSunamun
2 years ago

They are the worst thing you can ever experience, the day after and probably days after. The time it is happening, though it is the funniest shit you've ever experienced.

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(I regret that I have lost most of my sponsors, having only 2 left. I hope I haven't offended any of my former sponsors. If I did I apologize)

My last one started as usual after a long day sitting at the computer to do last-minute things, so you have something to cross off from some to-do list. I was sent a video of something that, while not even remotely funny, made me chuckle. A "Mwuwhaha" kind of laughter. The sound i made when it came out sounded funny and knowing it came out of me was making it even funnier.

And then it began. I began laughing. Soon my brain had made laughing so efficient it existed of finding the notion of laughing because it is funny I'm laughing because its funny that I'm laughing.

I laughed for over 9 hours straight. Then i went to sleep and i woke up absolutely unhappy and not in a laughing mood anymore.

I had pain in muscles i never knew existed in my cheeks, neck, and sides. And the pain was…uniquely excruciating. And it kept hurting with every slight movement of any part of my body. A whole week went by before i stopped feeling pain when i moved.

Oegieboegieboegie, don't laught to much!!!

thank you for reading this

Stay safe, and stay happy.


$ 0.55
$ 0.55 from @TheRandomRewarder
Sponsors of AnonSunamun
Avatar for AnonSunamun
2 years ago


Wait, 9 HOURS straight? That's quite too long! Can we call Guinness world of record for this? 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

By the way, in case you're wondering, my personal laughkick (as we call these seizures) endurance record is 18+ hours. The influence of any substance couldn't have been too great, as I only had 300 Micrograms that day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What substance tho? It must have been so painful, and a whole week of hell at that. 🥲

$ 0.10
2 years ago

the substance was 1b-lsd. Was delivered by mail with a receipt and all. Funny stuff that 1b-lsd. It's completely neutral, has no effect on the human body or brain. There is a protein or something in our bodies that, for whatever reason, breaks te 1b off from the molecules, and processes it like waste. But when the 1b is taken off the molecule... its lsd... which does have effect on the brain.

And I can confirm it was painful. Not just after a few hours, which is painful but nothing extra ordinary. The next 5 days though I have wanted only to consciousness to stop. At first even just breathing caused nasty stings in the muscles like chest and sides.

I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. But I wouldn't want to have missed the experience of the laugh kick either. Tought me that even the best, healthiest most pleasurable joy (which laughter is right?) can be the most horrible thing you'll experience in your life.

Not the joyest of lessons but an important one I think.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh believe me that is nowhere near any record. It was one of the rare occasions though it happened to me without having consumed a tiny square piece of paper before.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If you lough too much than you have to wait for cry. I trust never we should do anything over.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

it means laugh moderately, not too much. if you do, pain comes after. whahaha

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thing is, i didn't have any control over it. I laughed even though halfway through I wanted it to stop...

$ 0.00
2 years ago