Parenting While on Pandemic

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Avatar for Annthony18
4 years ago

Being a parent is one of the most happiest thing that could ever happen to a person but this is not an easy task or job because raising a child is not like a you eat a hot food then you vomit if you cannot stand the hotness of the food. Or a in a simple word before you enter parenting world you must be ready and prepared. From day one until your last breathe. You have take care of your children on their everyday needs from the start when they are a baby the diapers, milk and vitamins, the sleepless nights because of the baby is crying all night long. From guiding them to their first walk, first sentence to speak and being the first teacher to teach them from A to Z and giving them all they wants and need. But being a parent becomes more really harder nowadays because of the pandemic which happening now all over the world cause by the covid19 disease.

Everything has changed now because of the Pandemic i lost my job as an OFW because of it no guaranteed monthly income coming in our pockets now not just like before this pandemic starts. Before it both of our sons Allen Maverick 14 years old and Antoine Messi 5 years old are both studying in private Schools but on this coming school year we already enrolled them in a public school we explained to them the situation especially to our eldest that because of the pandemic we cannot afford for now to let them studied in a private schools but when everything is back to normal or next school year we will enroll them again into their old schools and they both understand it.

What is more difficult now to become a parents in this pandemic era is to think on where you will get the money for their every day needs foods milk and other needs. It really stressed us in some point of time asking ourselves what do we do now? I tried to apply a job online as a call center agent but i guess it's not a fit job for me when i failed on some job interview. So i try to find some extra earning through online and luckily i found this legit website cash read and other applications that really pays what is funny is that both of my 2 children helping on earning moneys online my oldest son have his own mobile and have some couple of applications installed that he played to earn extra money also sometimes i let him write some article of his own to published in read cash. While our youngest son i let him play the games from bling that pays free bitcoins.

Then when i got an help from the government i got 10,000 pesos my wife started cooking and baking foods and selling it online until now thanks GOD for all the blessing and even though time of pandemic we still managed to survived being a responsible parents to our children. I hope my articles inspires some parents here in read cash that what ever we are experiencing right now it is just a trial that we cannot outdone. Thank you and GOD Bless Us All!

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Avatar for Annthony18
4 years ago


yes good is very bright that he will not give this challenges to all of us people in the world if we cannot overcome this all together we will rise all again.

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4 years ago

It is good that he could find something to do during the pandemic, God does not abandon him, with what is happening he is exploring other areas that perhaps in normal conditions would not have been done ...

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4 years ago