"Blessings despite of Pandemic"

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Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago

In this time of pandemic a lot of people has been really hit hard financially, mentally and emotionally as some of people have lost their job and some are their business have closed due to when the virus strikes and implemented lockdown in some places only essentials business are allowed to open. And by that very hard moment a lot of people have suffered too much stress and it causes anxiety that leads to some people to commit suicide and end their own lives.

As for me I can said that I really had been affected by this pandemic as wasn't able to finish my contract working on a cruise ship and was sent back home last March 4 months early of my scheduled vacation. At some point at that time when I go home I feel so happy because I went back home to be together with my family to be at their side especially that there is a virus that threatening our health so that I can be able to protect my family on catching the virus by me my self is the one who go outside on buying for our essentials and daily needs. For couple of months the situation goes smooth as for the days and week passes by I suffered stress and anxiety too much thinking of what will happen for me any my family for the next couple of days, week and months as no income coming in and our savings is almost finished and I still not have a scheduled to comeback working on board again.

At that time me and my wife always argue and fighting at small things and I almost become paranoid thinking on how we can earn money and it came to the point that I put my arms on my wife when I lost control and for the first time I hit her and I feel very sorry for what I have done to her and I am very thankful that she forgave me. At that time I surrender my self to GOD and I pray to him that please provide me his guidance on how to able to provide for my family as I was almost weaken by this trials that me and my family are facing. And on the next day me and my wife started an idea for her to bake and cook some foods and sell it online and it clicked and we had some good orders coming in and after 2 weeks we had our neighbor who become our reseller of our products. And as I am the one who delivers who orders from us, and as i wanted to make more income for us I started to make money making online on some mobile application, paid surveys and also this very wonderful website read.cash that really helps me and my family a lot that is because I am enjoying their platform at the same time I also earning some extra money to provide for my family needs that even though is not that big income for some but for me I can say that when I have found read.cash similar I have found a gold mine as I can say proudly to anybody that this is the best ever website that you can earn money legit just put your effort and it will all be paid your hard work so thank you very much read.cash.
And then after 6 months of vacation in my home finally another prayer of mine was answered from our GOD above as I was able to come back again working on board which I joined here last October 17 and I was really thankful that me and my family was not get the virus, especially me because before I came back here again working it took me 3 swab test negative results before to be able to work here again. One swab test in the Philippines before my flight which is the most crucial for me that was October 13 in the morning when I was swab test and we are get directed to the hotel provided by our company to wait for the results that time I just prayed to GOD for the results to be negative because if got positive my flight and schedule will be canceled and one thing I worry is that my family will also be involved as they will be my close contact and maybe will received descrimination from the people from our village. But all my doubts and worries has gone when I tested negative and proceed for my flight to come here in Italy where our cruise ship was docked and make two more swab test and it turn all negative and started to work again here in board.

And as of today that I'am already here back again working on board I still do writing and publishing articles in read.cash as that even though I'm back here again working still I did not received my full salary because our ship still do not have a regular cruise iterinary and do not have passengers and we crew are here only for maintaining the ship, so that when my off duty i write articles and also I told my son in the Philippines that if he have free time he try to make also some articles of his own.

I'am very thankful to GOD that he never stop guiding me and my family and always blessings us in these time of pandemic. And this article also i dedicate specially to my beloved wife which on yesterday November 17 we are celebrating our 8th year wedding anniversary I thank GOD for giving my wife in my life and having our to wonderful sons. Thank you for the time reading this and I just hope that everything will be back in normal in near time soon.

$ 2.59
$ 2.50 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago


My dear friend. You described all bad things people survived during pandemic of cruel virus. But you have strength to write us to read again who is important to be fighter in these times. I'm glad you and your family bring main goals to surface and that is sacrifice, dignity, honor, hard work, will and generous act toward our own good. We need to pull our forces to be winners and extract maximum of fight with invisible enemy and we will smarter for future that never be constant and straight line.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow this is so inspiring and thank you for sharing your life here in readcash ❤️❤️❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Welcome and it is really such a pleasure for me to share my story here. Thank you for spending time reading on it GOD Bless us all!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are welcome and keep writing more 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Really inspiring Bro. Stay strong

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you bro I'am glad that you are inspired on my personal story and also I'm really happy to share this here at read.cash

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kpg marunong tlga magpray.. Pinagpapala.. 😊😊 grats and keep safe sa biyahe

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you at this time of pandemic we really should not forget to always to GOD no matter what we are experiencing right now because being alive in this world and also not affected by the virus is such a big blessings thank you ☺ ☺ 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks to the pairing, the various Photoshop and the articles look pretty good.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for the appreciation.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The pandemic was just a necessary evil

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Not only all evil it actually brought something in our life good things that we ourself must discover it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago