Amazing waters of Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

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Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago

If you will travel or explore all the things in our planet, you will see or you will discover the natural phenomenon on earth. Some of this is very scary and some will really just amaze you. Like what I will share you to you now on this article of mine, on why is it that the water in facific ocean and Atlantic oceans water never mix with each other. So let's get started and hope you like it.

Our planet is full of waters, in fact 71 percent of the surface of our planet is ocean water. The five big part of water surface in our planet is divided into ocean waters which have named pacific ocean, atlantic ocean, Indian ocean, southern ocean and the artic ocean.

My dear friend did you know that the waters in pacific ocean and Atlantic Ocean does not mix together even though they are just together.

If you just imagine it is really hard to believe because they are just both waters and that you will really just think and wonder why it is possible that these types of water never mixed with each other.

But before we discover that why is it the strange happenings of the two water forms let just discover first on where actually the water of Atlantic Ocean and pacific ocean meet each other.

This two oceans water actually meet each other in between the Capehorn and Antarctica. Capehorn is the most end part of South America which in these place you will see the marking lines of the boarder of Atlantic and pacific ocean.

Yes its true that they are actually water dorm, but not all waters are the same as they have different classifications. The waters of pacific and Atlantic Ocean have differences with their density, chemical make up, and level of solinity. That is why we should notice that the color of the waters of this two oceans are very different from each other.

The marking level that separates between the two waters of this two oceans are called ocean clines. This ocean clines have actually three kinds which are the thermocline, pycnocline and the halocline. The not mixing together of the waters of the Atlantic and pacific ocean is one halocline.

This halocline usually happen when the waters from one seas or ocean is five times more salty compare to the other nearby oceans water. So that is why on the meet up of the waters of this two oceans there water are not mix with each other, because the water in the Atlantic Ocean is much salty and the solinity level is much higher compare to the waters of the pacific ocean.

It was actually discovered by Jacques Cousteau when he dives under the ocean, he is a French Naval officer, explorer, film maker, innovator, scientist, photographer, author and researcher. He is very popular known all over the world on his studies about seas and oceans and other living creatures and thing under the ocean.

And that is it my article about why these waters from pacific and Atlantic oceans never mix together with each other. There is really the reality in life that I can say like in love life that they are some people who have meet and fall in love with each other but never destined for each other just like the waters of Atlantic and Pacific oceans thank you for reading this article of mine and keep safe every one.

$ 0.03
$ 0.03 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago


Wow amazing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Atlantic Ocean is really awesome, especially the part where some people says that there the "boundary of the earth"(ps. I just read it from a book)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Amazing two water not mixing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is interesting thanks for this article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Welcome I love to share some interesting facts I'm glad you enjoy it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago