Unseen thought 1: Who you are against them

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Avatar for Anncnzn
4 years ago

Is there a time that you dont know yourself and ask who you are? Is there a time that you dont believe in yourself ? I know that sometimes you ask yourself what is the purpose of your life here in the world or in your society. Yes you know your name , you know your family and your relatives. They call and know your name but they really know you well? Or its just your name that they know? Do you think they know what you've done to survive in this world?

Many people can judge you, they say harsh words to you not knowing how it hurt to you. That is part of this world that some people even though they are one of your relative they say that you cant do that , you cant have that you, your just like you mom, your cousin is intelligent than you. On the other side your friends is also like your relative they didn't even support you on what you like and they just say you can't do that. I know hearing those words make you down that no one believe you and dont have enough money to go in school . You are not rich but you know in yourself that you are rich in knowledge than those people bragging you down. I know there are time that you fail to prove that they are wrong but you should keep on going stop believing on yourself that someday you can do it even you are not in most prestige school but you have your knowledge and aiming high you can do it . Now that you are studying many struggle comes . The time come that you are so down no one by your side and you dont know where to go . You dont even know who is real and not real. You are so stress and cant control yourself and irritated because of that you hear the words that they say on you. Cheer up its not the end of the world for you to give up you can survive everything and always remember that everything happen for a reason maybe its just happen for you to become more stronger and I know someday you will be successful and prove that they are wrong. The best revenge is your success so keep striving hard. If you feel this kind of situation I know you can do good just believe in yourself.

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Avatar for Anncnzn
4 years ago


People nowadays are so judgemental. What matters most is that you know who you are, you know what you're doing is right and that you don't do something against others. Let God be the one to judge us for every action that we do.

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4 years ago

Good article

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4 years ago

Guess we just have to go with the flow. What matters most is that you wont inflict hurt to others. Stay respectful. And just pray for those who malign you. Enjoy life go the fullest coz it is too short. Don't live under negativity. Just take them as positive criticisms.

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4 years ago